Serious Injury 3

34 2 0

That's right!

Tommy POV

Ranboo's  brother who's all white and was born a year or two before him only has one power. That's teleporting. Ranboo can teleport as well as break any block with his bare hands and collect it as it was before it was broken.

So, that must mean that y/n can teleport, do the block thing, and do something else as well. If only I could remember what Ranboo said the third power was...

I'm brought back from my thoughts by hearing Tubbo pull out the small amount of health potions we brought.

"Hang in there y/n! Don't die on me! Please!" I hear Ranboo whisper while holding her hand. As I look at what they're doing, I see how deep the cut was. You can see her spine, and they also had to move her hair just to see where it stopped. It stopped at her shoulder and almost made it to her neck.

"OH GOSH!!!! How did she get hurt that badly?" I nearly yelled.

"In her letter, she said that she got stabbed, but she never said by what. If you look around, you might be able to find what got her," Ranboo replied. 

Because I'd like to know how someone like y/n got injured so badly, I look around. The first place I look is on the ground. I see an arrow, but there isn't any blood on it, plus it's on our side of the crater. So it couldn't be the arrow.

I look to the other side of the crater and I see a small puddle of blood, so I decide to head over there to get a better look at it. There's only a few pieces of rock from the explosion, but nothing else. Maybe it isn't on the ground.

As I look up just slightly from the puddle of blood, I see an emerald. It's not like others that I've seen. It appears to be sticking out of the wall. Maybe she was mining it?  But that's not the only thing that makes it different.

There's also something dark on it. I look closer and it's a darker red color. This has to be it. There's nothing else that would make sense. Plus it's really sharp. It must've been sharpened as she was moving her pickaxe against the edge of it.

"I think I found it! Ranboo, she got stabbed by an emerald. A really sharp one as well" I yell over to him.

"Oh gosh..." is all that I can hear him mumble. I thought him knowing what happened to his sister would help put him at ease. If anything, it looks like it just made things worse.

"What's wrong Ranboo?" I'm genuinely and extremely confused. It's just an emerald. There's nothing special about it, right?

"I'll have to explain later. Tubbo, giver her another potion of healing. Wilbur, bandage her up, fast. We need to hurry out of here and get her to Phil."

"What about me?" I ask.

"Make sure Skye is ready for another teleportation"

I rush to do what Ranboo told me to do, even though I don't really understand what exactly I'm supposed to be doing. Tubbo does as Ranboo says, and gives y/n another healing potion. It doesn't look like it did anything. Wilbur bandages her as fast as he can, but that's not very fast considering the fact that the cut is really big, and we don't have a lot of bandages.

"Everyone, grab onto me. Please hurry! She won't last another ten minutes without Phil's help. We're going to have to teleport and hopefully we'll make it back in time." Ranboo says, getting quieter with each sentence so he's practically whispering by the end of it. I rush over to him while holding Skye on my arm, to make sure that we're not left behind in the teleportation.

Ranboo POV

Of all things, it had to be an emerald! I don't know how long she's been laying there, but we need to get her back home to Phil. Hopefully he can help.  I think as we're. about to teleport.


As soon as the teleportation's done, Will, Tommy, and Tubbo all fall to the ground, almost completely out of energy. I'm used to this, so I just take a second. As soon as I can, I'm running to Phil's house.

"PHIL!!!" I yell as soon as I know he can hear me from inside the house.

"PHIL HURRY!!!!!" Almost immediately, I hear Phil open the door, which is great because I was just going up the stairs to his porch. As soon as he sees my sister and her condition, his eyes widen and he just points to the bed signaling me to set her down there.

"What happened to her?" he asks in a quiet voice.

"A creeper exploded, and she was knocked into an emerald that was very sharp and sticking out of the wall is what we suspect happened with what we saw. I think she slid to the floor, and it cut all the way up her back."

"Oh dear..." is all that Phil can say.

"Can you help her?"

"I can try, but I'll need complete concentration, so you'll need to go outside for a little bit." Only because this is the only way to save my sister, I step outside of the house and decide to check on the others.

Philza's POV

As soon as Ranboo left the room, I grabbed all of my medical supplies. Hopefully I'll be able to help her.

To make sure the wound wouldn't get infected, I'd have to clean it out. I cut off the back of her shirt, and took off all of the bandages that Wilbur put on her. I'm so sorry y/n. I know that emeralds aren't really the best thing to be stabbed by, especially in your case.

I grabbed the rubbing alcohol and a small cloth. I quickly gave her some numbing drugs, so that I could clean out the wound without causing her too much pain, even though she's passed out.

As soon as I knew that the drugs should be in effect, I quickly put some of the rubbing alcohol onto the cloth and pressed the cloth into the wound. No reaction from y/n. Please don't be because she's dead. No one's ever been able to find her pulse, so I can't use that trick to see if she's still alive. Even as a younger kid, no one could find her pulse. It was like she wasn't living.

I continue to clean out her wound from the bottom, all the way up to her shoulder. When I'm done cleaning out her wound, I start to stitch it up, because there's no way a healing potion could fix that deep of a cut.

When I'm done with the stitches I wrap bandages around the wound. Hopefully it'll stop bleeding out soon. If it doesn't I don't know if she'll be able to recover enough blood in time. She'll be a goner if it doesn't stop.

All I can do now is make sure that she doesn't move around to much to break the stitches, switch out her bandages, and somehow get her to eat and drink. This is going to be a long next few days. If she dies, Ranboo will blame himself for her death even though it's not his fault.

Sorry if this chapter's a little shorter. It's all leading up to something in the future chapters. Make sure you eat and drink! You matter! Thank you for reading this chapter! Hopefully I can update tomorrow. I don't know for sure, because I have school. But then again, I make sure to have at least one chapter ready in advance. Thank you again!

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