Chapter 5

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Aurora went to the bureau headquarters...

She went to her room and locked the door..

Aurora was just lying on her bed...


"Excuse me? Aurora? Are you there?" Ask Someone.

Aurora Immediately stood up and unlocked the door..

"Yes,chief?" Ask Aurora.

"What's wrong with you? Your eyes look like panda eyes." Ripley Said.

"Nothing,Just some small problem. What's wrong Chief? Can i help you?" Ask Aurora.

"we're going to Paris! pack your things,Aurora!"

"Now?" Ask Aurora.


2 weeks after solving a murder cases..

Aurora and Elliot making up..

At The Bureau's Spanish Office...

"Detective,let's recap! We know that the Promethians are planning to bomb several major monuments in Europe in a bid sway the result of the referendum on European Unification."  

"Yea,And Jaqueline Proust she says she know where the bomb detanor is hidden!"  Aurora Said.

"but im not sure we can trust her,given that she's admitted to joining the Promethians..but she's our only lead since klaus went up in flames!" 

"To Complicates thing further,thousands of tourists have flocked to Spain for the Semana Santa holy week carnival, so Proust is laying low in the countryside.You'll meet her  there."

"Stay safe,Aurora,and remember the fate of Europe depends on you!" Ripley Said.


"Nice to see u again,Berry!" Jack Said.

"Beryl,Archer,not berry!"

"Whatever,Proust refused us an exact address where we could find her, but she said she'd meet us here."

"I haven't seen any sign of her yet thought. Perhaps we should take a look around those windmills!"


"Oh my god,Aurora! There's a dead woman in that weird metal bull! And looks like she's been burnt to death!"

"You okay,Archer? Your face looks pale." Aurora Said.

"I'm fine,Aurora. I must have just....eaten something dodgy."

"Oh no, it can't be! Jacqueline?" Ask Aurora.

"WHAT? you think that woman is Jacqueline Proust? This just get worse and worse!"

"The Promethians must have realized she was going to lead us to the detonator and decided to make sure she stayed quiet."

"But what are we going to do now?! Jacqueline was our only lead on where to find the detonator! The bombs they've planted across Europe could go off at any minute!" Jack Said.

"Calm down, I think this thing can help."

"Oh,Thank God you've picked up some clues,Berry.You grabbed some broken pieces? Anything is worth a shot!"

"Again i tell you, don't call me berry! Its Annoying."

"Well berry is my nickname for you, may we move on to the case now?"


"Some Pocket watch? Look there's something written on it,but it's faded,I will pollinate it."

"and also i found this scroll tho."

"You Picked up a scroll,too?" Ask Archer.

"Wait! This has a confession on it. it reads: "I hereby declare I am a traitor, a liar and a fool. I deserve my fate." And it's signed by Jaqueline!" Archer Said.

"There's no way Jaqueline would have ever written something like this about herself! She must have done it under duress." Archer Said.

"There's a red stain on the scroll!"

"you're right,there's a red stain on the scroll. You'd better collect a sample,but be quick-there's no time to lose if the Promhetians know we're onto their plan!" Archer Said.


"Awesome! You collected a sample of that red substance on the scroll  we picked up at the crime scene, with Jacqueline's "Confession" on it. Quick,let's send it to lars!"

"Don't be in a hurry,Archer, I need to Pollinate this Pocket Watch."


"The Message on the pocket watch you found at crime scene reads "Property of Armand Dupont!"! As in,Our Dupont?!"

" could his pocket watch have ended up right where Jacqueline was murdered?" Ask Jack.

"I don't know, i think we should ask this to him!

Later At The Bureau's Spanish Office...

"Monsieur Archer,I do not have the pantience for your wisecracks today. A dear friend of mine has just passed away." Dupont Said.

"That friend wouldn't be Jacqueline Proust,would it? We found your pocket watch next to the body,Dupont!" Jack Said.

"You have no emphaty,Monsieur Archer! Please, a little compassion for a person in a mourning."Dupont Said.

"Calm down,jack, let me just talk to him." Aurora Said.

"Dupont,We don't have time for compassion,how did your pocket watch end up on the crime scene?" Ask Aurora.

"I gave Jacqueline the pocket watch,she must have dropped it when she.....she was murdered." Dupont Said.

"Why would you give your pocket watch to someone you hate?! You were always saying that what a teribble writer she was!" Jack Said.

"it is true,she was a teribble writer...Mais mon dieu, i read everything she wrote....It was my guilty pleasure!" Dupont Said.

"Guilty Pleasure? Do you mean you and Jacqueline..." Jack Said.

"Voyons Archer! Jacqueline and I were pen friends, That's all!" Dupont Said.

"Im sorry to say this,but you need to leave the station,Dupont. We can't have you here while you're tied up in a murder invenstigation!" Aurora Said.


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