The Red Hood arrives

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Gotham City 6 years later

Gotham City is seen at night, cars driving through the streets as people walked on the sidewalk. In an abandoned warehouse nearby, a group of thugs are seen around a round table talking.

Thug 1: I know what you said. If you didn't set this up, then who's party is this?

Thug 2: "I thought it was you Eastside losers, you already rolled over for the Black Mask ever since he came to Gotham City and I thought you were gonna ask us in.

Thug 3: Roll over the Black Mask whacked six of my crew in a month, SIX some of my best people.

Thug 1: So you didn't set up this meet?

Thug 3: Nah I thought it was Titchi.

Titchi: Wasn't my meet.

Thug 2: Alright, to hell with this, I'm going If you brain donors wanna hang around--

Unknown figure: Sit down, Freddy.

A male voice says, cutting off the thug as everyone looks up at a catwalk.

Unknown Figure: It's my meeting.

Thug 5: It him? Batman?!

Thug 3: We didn't do nothin'!

The thugs say in defense.

Unknown Figure: Well, we all know that's a lie.

The figure says as he walks into the light, revealing himself to be a man wearing a red maks with domino eyes, a gray shirt, a leather jacket, jeans, and combat boots, holding an automatic rifle in his hand.

The figure says as he walks into the light, revealing himself to be a man wearing a red maks with domino eyes, a gray shirt, a leather jacket, jeans, and combat boots, holding an automatic rifle in his hand

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Titchi: Who the hell are you?!

Thug 1: Smoke him!

They all pull out their guns and take aim at the masked suspect, only for the leather jacket-cladded man to fire first. Bullets rain down as the thugs move for cover, the lead piercing the wooden table.

Unknown Man: I said sit down!

Thug 2: "You wanna die there's easier ways to kill yourself!

Unknown Man: Yeah, like yelling at the guy holding the AK-47. *leans over railing* Listen to me you drug-handling scumbags, I will be running the drug trade from now on you're the most prosperous street dealers in Gotham City, so I'm offering you morons a deal, you go about your business as usual, but give 40% to me, that's a much sweeter deal than the scraps the Black Mask is giving you.

The man smiles under his mask.

Unknown Man: In return, you will have full protection from both Black Mask and Batman but you stay away from kids and schoolyards, no dealing to children, got that, If you do.........You're dead.

Thug 1: Okay, crazy man. This is all very generous, but why the hell should we listen to you?


Batman The Animated Series: Under The Red HoodWhere stories live. Discover now