Chapter 3 Dolly Finds Oddballs Book

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(December 15th 2017)

Dolly goes inside the house after nearly being turned into a fur coat along with her whole family. She finds the whole house is a mess because of all of the panic. Everyone else also goes inside and they are just as quiet as Dolly.

Dolly: "...No one can clean this house alone."

Dylan: "Not even me, well...not quickly at least."

Doug: "No Dylan, we will all help except for Mom because she has to work. But Dolly, she's got no reason not to help except for her own stubbornness. So she's not going to help either."

But to everyone's shock, Dolly is more than happy to help. So over the course of 25 dog days they clean the house until 99.9% is done to a point where Dylan can manage.

Dylan: "Thank you everyone, but Dolly, I should thank you the most because I thought you hated doing this."

Dolly: "I do but because the house was trashed I thought why not."

Dolly then goes to her room to be at peace but her depression makes that impossible as she begins to cry.

Dolly: "(Sniffles) Why can't it just go away?"

Dolly looks around and sees a book peeking out of a cupboard that she missed. She got the book out and it looked clean, not even a scratch on it but it looked old. Dolly got back to her bed and saw the book's title.

Dolly: "My Puppy Days - Owned by Oddball...mmm, my Moms book. I'll look inside to try to heal my depression."

Dolly turns to page 1 and sees her Mom as a puppy looking so happy.

Dolly: "Well this isn't helping...but she looks so happy...unlike me, I'll look at another page."

Pages 2 and 3 are the same but on Page 4 Dolly was in for a saddning shock.

Page 4: "Stuff I'm wanting to do as a teenage pup."

Dolly: "...Sigh...Oh Mom you met Dad and I guess you forgot about the book...(Sniffels) I'm going to close the book up."

But as she is closing the book she gets a glimpse of Page 5 and says.

Dolly: "Wait there's more? Maybe I'll get to see my Mom as a teenage pup after all?"

Dolly turns to Page 5 and sees her Mom as an adult looking so happy. To her surprise however she sees herself as well, looking so happy outside her old house.

Dolly: "Wait a Dalmatian second, is"

Dolly turns to Page 6 and sees them both on Halloween looking so happy.

Dolly: "Oh my god! She...She kept them...I hope there's more."

Dolly turns to Page 7 and sees them both on Christmas and her 6th birthday party looking so happy.

Dolly: "Oh my god that was my last Christmas and birthday party with her before she died."

Dolly turns to Page 8 and sees them both on Mother's Day looking so happy.

Dolly: "Oh my god, that was her last Mother's Day with me before she died."

Dolly looks at Page 8 for a moment then turns to Page 9 and sees them both on the bed watching tv looking so happy.

Dolly: "Oh my god, that was our last TV time. Just her and me before she died. Wait there's a note and to quote my Mom..."

Dolly quoting her Mom: "Dear Dolly thank you for being a great daughter I hope to see you again some day, now go have a good life :)! Love Mom."

Dolly goes silent for 5 seconds trying not to cry with happiness.

Dolly: "Oh Mom thank you so much. I just wish you were here to say thank you back.  Mom, my depression won't go away but a part of my sadness has gone, I hope you're having fun in dog heaven and I love you."

Dolly then puts the book away to keep it safe. She then cries herself happily to sleep.

Dolly's 6 Dog Year Old Deep DepressionWhere stories live. Discover now