Will is power

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A long ago, in a village of Vinand lived a sage.He was a preacher and a good teacher who taught good things in life and shared all his knowledge with his students/followers.He had a habit of asking a question to everyone who visited him.."WHY DO YOU WANT TO SEEK KNOWLEDGE?"
They all had reply..
they want to be a well educated person so they can be hired at a good place (get a good job)..this made the sage sigh. He knew they weren't the people he had been looking for. One day a boy named chandan visited the sage. As usual the sage asked him the same question. Chandan replied, he wanted to be a good person so he could do his best to help others in need. This made the sage happy and he allowed him to study for extra years..As 5 years were passed. Now chandan was a good educated man. He was wise and strong willed man and also in addition he was kind and polite..Now that Chandan has learnt everything..the sage asked to promise not to betray and asked chandan to stand on his words and really help people who are in trouble and so chandan did as told by his guru..He was roaming like Nomad by when he found a new Village named Koin. As he entered he saw all people looking afraid.."WHAT'S THE MATTER?" He asked..they didn't say a word and ran away. Then he noticed a young man trying to approach him..the man asked him if he is new here.."YES" was the reply.
The man told him to leave the village immediately. "CAN I ATLEAST KNOW WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH THIS VILLAGE?" He asked..the man kept quiet then asked him to visit his house after a short walk they reached the man's house. As they entered the man locked the door and asked him to keep quiet. Chandan heard some sounds from outside "WHAT'S GOING ON??" This all is making chandan very curious..

What's actually going on?

To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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