Day 4

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QUICK A/N - All chapter will be in the narrative pov and will be said otherwise if it's a different pov.

CHAPTER IDEA BY dumbbitch_e


The best day of the week suddenly turned worst. I know why, but I'm too lazy to say the whole story, so I'll sum it up for all of you.

Basically, babysitter gone, parents busy, send you to a daycare, you like daycare.

Wow, that story wasn't so long after all. Anyway, you were going to the daycare again because you kept pestering your parents to do so!

Moving on, you said bye to your parents and hopped inside the slide, which you had to lean back your head a little, as the slide was a tunnel, and you were finally getting taller.

'Finally' being more exaggerated as anyone in the past could've mistaken you for a 3 year old based on your height alone. You are 5 years old.

You fell into the ball pit, which you swore the padding below was harder than what was this currently. I guess they added more padding?

Sun picked you up and spun you around, "Hey sunshine! How are ya!?" He practically screamed.

"I'm great! What about you?!" You screamed with the same energy. At least you tried to.

Sun responded with great energy, saying that he was great, but after playing with you for a bit, he had went away to tend to a child with a scrape.

How did that scrape happen anyway? This place is fully padded. Eh, must have climbed up the play area thing- whatever you call it, and jumped off or something. Anyway, that's not relavant to the plot right now.

"Alright everyone! Whose ready to play HIDE AND SEEK!" Sun's voice echoed across the room. All the children ran towards the direction of the voice, some tripping, but ended up okay.

Sun was going to be the counter, and everyone else was going to hide. Apparently some children didn't like this idea, as Sun always had found them.

Nevermind that though, you were a master at hide and seek. You would usually play with your babysitter that, and since you are small, it was quite easy to fit into small spaces where almost nobody would even bother to check.

As soon as Sun turned around and started counting, you ran straight for the play structures.

You looked around, eventually finding what seemed to be a generator and a small space behind it. It was the perfect spot.

Aside from that, why is a goddamn generator inside of a kid's play area?

You squeezed your way behind the generator, and with a nice shoulder cramp, you were hidden.

Finally, Sun had finished counting and started looking. He was starting from bottom to top, and you were practically on the highest floor of the jungle gym, so he wasn't going to find you anytime soon.

A minute had passed, and by this point, you could hear some children getting caught and Sun's metal clanking going through the play structures. Sun was probably close.

You could see a bit of Sun's spiky thingies poking out of your view, so he was obviously there. Apparently that not what the other children saw.

You could hear two soft voices talking to eachother- one which sounded like Billy, a kid you didn't really acknowledge as your parents called him a word 'sexist', you didn't know what it meant, but all you knew is that it was bad.

"Hadi, Sun's kinda weird. And ugly too." So called Billy said. What did he mean? Well what do you think sherlock? He obviously means Sun's bad!

Anyway, pretty sure Hadi is a 12 year old boy and the daycare. He always had a potty as a bad excuse for a mouth, not to mention his rather- colorful vocabulary.

"Aren't the girls supposed to take care of the kids? They should've made Sun a girl." 'Hadi' said. Way out of line, Hadi.

Men AND women can take care of kids. Women can do work, men can too. We shouldn't let gender state our 'roles'.

Sun stopped in his tracks, hearing the whispering voices. Sun looked down for a second, as if his never ending smile began to fade inside.

You didn't like what was going on. Sun was sad, and Hadi and Billy were dic- I mean jerks.

You slowly moved from behind the generator to outside, grabbing Sun's attention.

"Oh! I found you!" Sun quickly cheered up. You glanced at him and gave a smile, then ran to where Hadi and Billy were.

"Found you." You whispered, giving a hard slap to to Billy's face. Billy whimpered in pain, and soon began crying.

You looked at Hadi, and slapped him with even more force, leaving a red mark on his face- Hadi's back letting out a shiver down his spine.

"Y/N, why did you do that?" Sun ran and picked you up.

"They were the ones saying mean things about you!" You shouted and pointed at the two.

You could feel Sun's anger seeping through his metallic parts. You never though that Sun could get angry, at least until now.

Sun picks the two up by the back of their shirts and carries them out of the play structures, "We do NOT tolerate sexism and mean things! You are BANNED from the daycare!" Sun putting them outside of the big doors, peeking his head out.

"Security alert! Security alert! WOO WOO!" Sun shouted, as security guards came running.

Sun gave the security guards ointment, saying that it was for their treatment. Closing the doors shut, he turned around with a smile.

"Who wants a puppet show?!" Sun exclaimed, children from all corners running towards him.

Soon enough, it was nap time. All the children gathered around their futons as the lights turned out.

As per usual, you decided to go out again. Well, out of your futon I mean.

You got a two toy dolls and a Sun plushie, hoping to reinact the scene which you saw.

"Star, why are you always up so late?" Moon sighed, picking you up.

"I wanted to tell you a story!" You whisper-shouted. Moon somewhat raised his invisible brow in interest.

"Go on." Moon smiled.

You told the story, rambling on and on of how you hated the two boys and showing the action through the dolls.

Moon smiled at the movements, the over exaggeration of scenes. He- he had fun.

Moon was never made to have 'fun'.

But, somehow, you made him truly smile.

"Time for bed, starlight." He whispered, seeing as you were half-asleep.

Moon carried you to the futon and tucked you in, smiling inwardly.



In this chapter I'd like to talk about sexism and how normalized it is. I am a fellow feminist, which means I want gender equality.

If you see/meet a person who supports sexism, please educate them to your full limits. That, meaning beat them the hell up.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and I will see you all next chapter.

Word Count: 1187 Words

friend || sun/moon x child!reader Where stories live. Discover now