The End of Inspiration

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Several years later, I was rushing to the hospital. I was in a 2023 Tahoe, speeding down a highway. I was snapping between lanes, attempting to avoid cars. Luckily there weren't any police officers in sight. My car phone rang, and I responded to it blankly. "Answer." The phone answered to my voice, and I heard my Aunt Gwen crying. "Dan, your mother...I don't think she's going to last much longer. Get down here quick." I felt the urge to break down and cry myself, but I was focused on getting to the hospital first.

As I pulled into the roundabout, I jolted out of the car. It was still running, but luckily there were valet services. I shouted while sprinting to the door, "My wallet is in the middle console!" I sprinted to the front desk, weaving through the crowd. I asked for my mom's room using her name. "Three floors up, ER branch, room 37B." The receptionist said with a face of surprise. I was breathing furiously, but managed to peep out a thanks.

I took the stairs to avoid the wait of an elevator. As I grew closer to the room, I felt the weight on my feet as I ran slower and slower. My lip quivered as I tried to hold back my crying. It was too hard to handle, I turned to the room and broke down next to my mom's bed. She began to cry as well, but she spoke to me with a soothing tone. "Dan, please don't be worried. I know, it is strange for me to be leaving this planet at such a young age, but there's a possibility you will see me else where." I shook my head slowly. I felt tears dripping down my face at that point.

I gripped her hand as I was kneeling next to her. I noticed that her breathing pattern was off, I assumed something happened to her chest. But I ignored all that, and focused on the last few moments I would be with her. She gave me a bright smile, and I forced one back, though I felt I couldn't. It was obvious that it was forced, she laughed and looked up at the ceiling. "I'll be able to see your father again, won't I?" She laughed joyfully and I offered her a small smile.

I never let go of her hand, despite the tears flooding my eyes. I heard the heart rate monitor grow slower and slower, though my mom's smile grew bigger and bigger. She shut her eyes and let it happen, she must have been imagining my father and her husband. I gripped her hand tighter, I didn't want to lose her.

My aunt called in the doctors through a crying voice, I heard her behind me. The doctors rushed in as I began to make noise. I could no longer contain my feelings. I felt like I could shout to a God, and have her stay with me. The heart rate monitor came to a flat as the doctors began shouting and cursing at each other. I never let go of her hand.

Her eyes shut though she still held the smile. I knew she was in a better place, no longer in pain from whatever horrid accident she faced. My lip was violently shaking and tears were pouring from my eyes. It was over, I thought, I'll never be able to see her again.

I waited a few more minutes, still gripping her hand. I felt it chill as time passed. I collapsed under my own weight, and was now resting on my shin. I brought my head down to her hand, and knew she was okay and I would be okay. But I didn't feel okay. I lost the person that helped me when I needed her most. The one person that was always going to be there for me.

All I could hope was that she would forever watch over me. Wherever I was, she would be there in the Heavens, assisting me on my journeys. She always told me that whenever she died, she would watch. But it didn't keep me from crying. I sounded like a child who lost their favorite stuffed animal. And I thought that it would be okay, because my mom always told me.

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