- Chapter 2 -

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Bounding across the grass, Cypresspaw landed unsteadily against the sandy slope next to the water. Sunrisepaw suppressed a mrrrow of amusement as her denmate hopped and turned towards her, his eyes shining with excitement.

"This is what's known as the Sun-drown place ." Wolfspark explained, her voice steady as she gazed across the water. "Gatherings are held just across there." she added, pointing her nose towards a huge cave entrance that was gaping like a mouth.

"How do we get in?" Sunrisepaw questioned "There's no way to get across the water!"

"But there is a way to get across the wall." Ferretlightning pointed out. "See those rocks? We jump across those to get in."

"On another note," Sunrisepaw noticed that Wolfspark had moved while Ferretlightning was explaining, and quickly bounded up to join the she-cat. "This is our border with HorizonClan."

"What?! But it's so hot! What kind of cats could live in this climate?" Cypresspaw exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock

"HorizonClan, apparently." Sunrisepaw murmured, narrowing her eyes to look through the harsh light in front of her eyes.

"The sun's starting to set." Ferretlightning mewed, her head turned away from the border. "We should head back before it gets dark."

As they headed back, Sunrisepaw looked out over the sea and saw exactly why it was called the Sun-drown place.

"Woah!" Cypresspaw's eyes were stretched wide with amazement.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the red and orange hues stained the water in front of it, causing the light to look like it was bleeding out into the sea.

"Yes, yes, the sunset's very pretty, isn't it? Now come on, let's get back to camp before it's dark out."


By the time they got back, the sun had fallen and the moon was beginning to rise. Sunrisepaw made her way over to the apprentice's den, feeling as though her legs were going to buckle with each step. Her ears pricked up as she heard a tom's voice

"Oh, welcome back!" Swanpaw greeted cheerfully. "Brookpaw, Slatepaw and I made you your nests already!" he added, patting the nest next to him, which Sunrisepaw gratefully laid down in.

"Oh, thanks!" Cypresspaw purred, laying down next to Sunrisepaw, although she hardly heard, as she almost immediately drifted off.


Sunrisepaw opened her eyes and instantly realized she wasn't in camp- in fact, she didn't recognize where she was at all!

"Hello?" She called hesitantly. "Is anyone there?"

Her eyes widened as she saw a cat walking away from her. Looking closer she saw-


Her littermate didn't seem to hear her voice.

"Moonrisekit! Wait!" She bounded after him. Instead of waiting, Moonrisekit started going faster, his strides getting larger and his leaps pushing him further and further away from his sister "Moonrisekit!" She called again, but to no avail. She couldn't reach him, no matter how fast she ran, her legs just wouldn't carry her to her brother.

Sunrisepaw blinked awake, the sun bouncing off the rocky quarry and onto her pelt.

Oh, it was just a dream. Though the thought should be comforting, she felt sort of hollow.

"Hi. You're up early." Sunrisepaw jumped at the voice, but realized it was only Brookpaw. "My mentor is taking me to do hunting training. Do you want to come with?"

"Oh- if I can?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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