chapter one

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My mum used to tell me stories about how I used to have many imaginary friends who I would play with constantly. She seems to be convinced that those friends are gone. I guess she is right, in some form. But those voices who were my friends at the age of six, are now enemies at the age of seventeen. The voices are in my head, telling me I am imperfect and that no one loves me. They speak the truth. Who would love a girl like me?
Today was a bad day, I could feel it. My parents were screaming at each other again, and I only got two hours of sleep, a result of the voices keeping me awake. I had to get out of the house. For some reason, whenever I was out of the house, the voices dimmed to only a murmur. I picked up my favourite book and my phone and headed for the park.

The thing I loved most about my village was that wherever you went, it was silent. Not an uncomfortable silence, either. A silence where you can just relax and listen to the wind whistle and the birds sing. I took my usual spot by the tree and started to read. I love to read; you get to live a million different lives in a million different worlds without moving an inch.

The park gate creaked as it swung open. I looked up quickly; this is a quiet village and no one really comes to the park. Especially on a windy day in winter. There stood a huge muscly boy. He was maybe six foot with curly hair. The guy smiled a massive grin from ear to ear. The way he looked so good made me feel uneasy. From past experiences, I knew boys were nothing but trouble. They lead you on to believe that they are perfect and will never hurt you. But that's not the truth. I can't trust anyone, and that's not changing soon. I got up and stormed out of the park. As I was leaving, I heard him say, "Hey, do I smell bad or something?" As much as that made me smile, I didn't stay. I didn't even glance back.

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