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info before you start -

This story became a Request from someone.

the true info

Dean Winchester at a young age ran away form John because he couldn't handle the pressure anymore of how John was very controlling and yelled so Dean left around the age of 12-13. left to do his own thing.  

he caught wind of a case a (shapeshifter) in Gotham but didn't know were to start or had any money left form arriving  so we went around Gotham to try to steal, but of course he had no idea of who batman was at the time, so he tried to steal the wheels of the Batman, but got caught.

Backstory of Dean/Jason 

Dean/Jason came across the Batmobile, which was parked in an alley. Batman had recently put new tires on the vehicle but had not replaced the hubcaps with the redesigned ones yet. This created an opportunity that Dean/Jason could not pass up. Batman caught him when he had already stolen one of the tires and was coming to take the others.

So after all this fiasco that happened Bruce,  had raised Dean/Jason  at the Wayne Manor with Alfred help of course. he became the adopted son of Bruce but at the same time Dean told Bruce his fake name was Jason so of course Bruce believes it because one Jason  does not want to give any more information to anyone was like how his whole life is. 

So Dean gave Bruce a fake background and how his father was a drunk across as a real life and a drug attic also told him that his mother died of an overdose they ran time thing about Sam because he didn't want anymore like danger to happen to his little brother so that's all info that Dean gave Bruce.


Batman tried to put Dean/Jason in a boarding school for troubled kids, but this did not work out for Dean/Jason as the owner of the school was actually running a training ground for youthful criminals. Batman instead decides that perhaps the boy's anger could be channeled against criminals as Robin, or else the boy would likely end up a criminal himself. This is how Dean Winchester/Jason Todd became the second Robin. He was not the acrobat Dick Grayson was, but he was a strong kid with skills from life on Gotham's streets. or as other people know....... The Hunter Life.


 being raised with Bruce, it kind of became very hard it like Dean/Jason was being compared to Dick who was the first robin so he kind of felt like he was being treated like he was back home. So basically he was being like very moody about it and it felt like is was gonna be like that for the rest of the time he's living there so of course he made a plan. He will fake his death

But of course he didn't know how that was going to go. 

So doing thought back about the Shapeshifter, that was supposed to be located around Gotham. Dean left at night to try to find the shapeshifter so he did find it and thought about this crazy idea of him, and this Shapeshifting turning into the joker so he can fake his death basically he made this ridiculous plan with this Shapeshifter saying how he will need his help. 

to fake his death and going back to being a hunter and of course a Shapeshifter knew that Dean, was faking about his life of being the son of Bruce Wayne so he agreed.

Dick came by the Batcave and saw Jason as he knows him by, and was kind of getting bothered that he was being replaced of course It didn't really happened as what he knows. So of course you start yelling at Dean or Jason about him not being a very good Robin or how he wouldn't really be a good as a Robin as he was so was just yelling and of course he will regret it later, and of course in deans mind he thought this was the perfect opportunity to fake his death and of course, He starts yelling back getting mad about this whole entire thing trying to like perfectly know what is going to do.

So of course just to show up about being the best Robin and, he's not really the greatest robin he will show him and of course just to show Bruce that as well. and being like " I'm a good Robin as well, I will make him proud"            Dean messaged the Shapeshifter and telling a location of were he is going to be. So the shapeshifter being dressed as the Joker, and the beaten happens just to make it seam true and having blood spatter every where. they made the bomb so instead the shapeshifter turned into Dean/Jason to take his place.

 Batman arrives too late to save them and is only able to hold Dean's/Jason's lifeless body in his arms. The bodies are taken back to Gotham City for burial. For the next decade's worth of stories, Jason's death haunts Batman, who keeps Jason's costume on display in the Batcave. Batman considers this his greatest failure: not properly training Jason in his role as Robin, and failing to protect him from the Joker. In the years to come, he would erect a in the batcave made from Jason's uniform. and of course Dick is guilty of what happen.

⚠️And he blames himself for yelling at him. and Of course when Dick came by the cave for to hangout with the mini League the heroes would talk about the Jason (as how they knew him by) and for Storytelling and how he was. So stories of Jason came around they kind of got a visual of how he was or how he acted so it's kind of new for him knowing who he was for them. From knowing such like a terrible backstory and how they relate to him in some ways. 

^ knowing that they were not alone in the world from being Abused(in a way)⚠️

So this is the story of Dean Winchester/Jason Todd

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