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Groggy and still tired, John slowly opened his eyes and realized he was in a wooden cabin.

Turning his head, he noticed Strauss looking at a bottle of medicine or something.

"Oh, you're awake. Let me get Dutch, just stay still and don't move"

The older man shuffled out the building and the injured man was still trying to figure out how he got back.

Wolf, e/c eyes, black fur.

The only thing he could remember was a large black wolf with e/c eyes that didn't kill him.

The door creaking open startled him, Dutch and Hosea stepped inside.

"Now John, we just have one question for you."

Hosea started, taking a seat on the wooden chair beside the cot.

"Why the hell would you think it's okay to bring a goddamn WOLF into camp?! Did you get your brains eaten or something?!"

He suddenly shouted, Dutch even flinched when his bestfriend who never really shouted suddenly grabbed John.

He held the younger boy by the ear as he kept shouting about how stupid he was and scolded him like a child.

"Luckily for you, that wolf seems as harmless as a fly. It didn't even bite Mr Bell which is a surprise."

The older man calmed down as he released his death grip on John's ear.

"So, we got a new pet?"

John asked, hesitantly as he rubbed his sore ear which was now red.

"I suppose so, it just seems to be wandering around camp. No one is bothered aside from one or two but other than that, it's fine."

Dutch, finally, spoke as he fiddled with one of the rings of his hand.

"You should rest, Charles is keeping an eye on your new friend."


"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Arthur Morgan, a tough and rough gunslinger who sat on his steed glancing at this large wolf.

He had killed men who were bigger than him, taken on many O'driscolls and even a few grizzly bears, only to be spooked of a rather tame wolf.

"It's not that bad, besides it seems to listen and if it can help us track something that'll make our job easier."

Charles Smith, a animal lover who had only joined six months ago, was rather comfortable around the wolf.

It hadn't even growled when the men had panicked and aimed guns at it.

It merely sniffed the air before lowering down so the gang could see John on the wolf's back.

That's when everyone just kinda avoided the wolf, almost accepting that this wolf wasn't leaving yet.

A sudden growl from the new companion had both men stop their horses as they looked at where the predator was staring.

It's body was crouched and it crept forward, still not spotting what this predator saw the men held back.

The horses began to become agitated as they snorted and stomped their hooves.

A sudden groan of an animal made the two outlaws tense as Arthur drew his revolver and was ready to shoot.

Black fur made him lower his gun as the two watched the wolf drag a large stag towards them.

It then sat down next to the kill as if waiting for praise like a hunting dog would.


Maybe the wolf won't be so bad, if it could hunt and possibly protect the gang up on the mountains.

Possibly a guard dog, a terrifying and large guard wolf rather.

Charles got off his horse and pat the wolf before picking up the stag.

He stowed it on the back of his horse before mounting up again and decided to test something.

"You can go back, I'm sure we can manage from here"

He spoke, like always, calmly and watched as the wolf took off running.

"Holy shit..."

《Running With The Wolves》Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant