Lost Wolf

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Have you seen my lost wolf?
From me, it ran away
I chased it as far as my legs would take me
I begged for it to stay

Have you seen my lost wolf?
It had eyes as clear as glass
But that day, the life escaped from its eyes
The light was fading fast

Have you seen my lost wolf?
So beautiful did it grow
And I had half-expected
That one day it would know

Have you seen my lost wolf?
I think that I know why
It left me for it knew I loved it
And so it said good bye

Have you seen my lost wolf?
By the angels, I miss it so
But there is not a way
For it to ever know

Have you seen my lost wolf?
I'm afraid I won't get it back
For a terrifying thought haunts me:
It might have found a pack

But if you ever find my lost wolf
Bring it not back to me
Just tell it that I am here
Waiting patiently

A/N: Alas, haha I wrote this the day the first lone wolf left. Personal confession, I might add but still he left. Oh well. At least I made something good out of the bad.

LachrymoseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ