vi. Maximilf

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5 years and still going strong. Wanda and Natasha met when Ultron decided to annihilate everything - obviously the Avengers stopped him - and after one year the two women kissed for the first time. Everything was born from that kiss, their relationship, their love, their family.
The couple married two years later and left the Avengers compound, they bought a house not that far from the building and moved in.
Neither of them knew if they wanted to have a baby; Wanda was scared that she couldn't love and raise a child due to her abandonment issues - from her parents death to Pietro's - and Natasha never thought about having children before her, ever since the RedRoom and her forced hysterectomy she just left those thoughts in a remote area of her mind. Sometimes she dreamed of being a mother, and the idea wasn't that bad; but if Wanda didn't want it, she was fine with it. Natasha knew how difficult it was for Wanda to bond with someone, let alone having a child with pure fear of losing something that important.
They talked about it sometimes, but never sat down to say something too serious.

Until one day.

« Tasha? Where are you? » Wanda asked when she walked in, she left her bag on the counter and looked for her wife.

Her heart was beating too fast, she thought it could've left her chest. She wanted to speak with her, she needed to.

« Hi my love! » the russian said with a smile on her face getting downstairs. She put her arms around Wanda's neck and kissed her. « How are you? »

Wanda kissed her back and smiled, then she took her hand and brought her on the couch.
She could feel her legs shaking a little too much, so the best she could do to not pass out was to sit.

« What happened? » the redhead asked, when she noticed her wife's worried face.

« Nothing. I mean, yeah... I need to tell you something. »

And here we go again. Natasha's intrusive thoughts filled her head while looking at her wife, she thought about anything that could possibly be wrong, from her meeting someone to loss of feelings for her. The russian's eyes were already full of tears, and as soon as Wanda noticed it she put a hand on her face and smiled.

« Baby don't. It's nothing bad, I promise. » she said and kissed her, putting some hair behind her ear.

Natasha was really relieved, even though she was still curious about what Wanda had to tell her. In moments like that, the sokovian never used her powers to read her wife's mind, she wanted to have a conversation without being influenced by something that passed through Natasha's mind.

« Okay, tell me. » she dried some tears off her face and took Natasha's hand.

« Well... There are disasters happening everywhere most of the times, in the world, in families and everyone is in pain, heartbroken. And yet, today, there was this kid we saved. We were fine. We saved her and we were fine just by thinking about it. When there was a child in my arms in the middle of it all, I was fine. We kept her fine. We knew how to keep her fine. We can do this. I can do this... Let's have a baby. » Wanda said without even breathing, she was holding Natasha's hand but she felt hers tremendously shaking. She was scared of her reaction, maybe she didn't want it, maybe it was too soon.

« I'm sorry, what? » Natasha asked looking at her, she didn't know what to say, but she smiled so hard it hurt.

« I want to have a baby. I've been thinking this whole time that I was scared, that I couldn't love another human being, that I needed to stick to some plan. But plans don't work. People die, families fall apart... Let's have a baby Tasha. »

« Are you serious? » Natasha asked with teary eyes, caressing her face.

« Yes. »

« I wanna have a baby too. » she added, then threw herself on Wanda's arms and kissed her.

WandaNat - ScarletWidow One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora