iv. Old Friends in New Places

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Old Friends in New Places

TO SEAMLESSLY INSERT LOVISA INTO ARRAKIS' SOCIETY, they thought it would be best to drop her off outside of the main city, directly into Fremen territory

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TO SEAMLESSLY INSERT LOVISA INTO ARRAKIS' SOCIETY, they thought it would be best to drop her off outside of the main city, directly into Fremen territory. Atreides was to be arriving in three days' time, and this way Lovisa's abilities would be most-directly tested.

How well she would be able to gain a Fremen sietch's trust, how well she would be able to then leave the sietch after presumably gaining said trust for the inner city of Arrakis, and how well she could get in as close a proximity as possible to the primary targets: the Atreides clan.

Lovisa was dressed on the ornithopter in clothing fitting for those residing on Arrakis, and a cover story was penned for when Lovisa would plead her case to the Fremen, who were traditionally very selective of who they admitted into their sietches. Lovisa, now to be known as "Aminu Faizan," would sell the story of a young, orphaned girl who was running away to escape her recently collapsed sietch after there had been an internal uprising against the naib. Lovisa was instructed to keep her story concise to few details in order to maintain her disguise. From her prior research of documentations about the Fremen, Lovisa initially worried about the concreteness of the backstory since Fremen are renowned for emotional stability — an almost lack of emotion, according to the Harkonnen entries. However, with Lovisa's additional fib of the said assassinated naib simultaneously being her father, she was fairly certain they would allow for some compassion as even the Fremen understood the importance of family — it was what their sietches were built upon, after all — and that the recent traumatic event of losing not only her parent, but essentially her entire community as well, was to blame for Lovisa's apparent amnesia.

Harkonnen housed an inventory of stillsuits after decades of encounters with the Fremen from which Lovisa could choose in order to find one that fit her figure since, unlike her fabled background, there was no outwitting the Arrakis climate. Blood and sand were tastefully splattered across Lovisa's stillsuit to coincide with her story, and the ornithopter was growing closer to the ground by the second.

The pilot, the only other person in the vehicle, spoke to Lovisa, "Prepare for the landing." She stood up from the narrow chair she had been occupying the entire ride and stepped towards the middle of the small aircraft, facing the back of the ornithopter where the ramp would descend once they were within closer proximity of the ground.

"Ramp descending." Lovisa watched as the metal contraptions inside the ornithopter shifted to open the ramp whose swift contact with the ground created a minuscule dust whirl. The pilot spoke in a monotone without even sparing a glance over his shoulder, "Good luck."

Lovisa inserted the nose plugs of the stillsuit into her nostrils and ensured that they were secure before bending her knees in an athletic stance to jump out of the in-motion vehicle. Since the aircraft was, indeed, still flying above ground at a rather quick speed, Lovisa's landing was less than ideal as her body naturally transitioned to a somersault once it made impact on the sandy earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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