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~ Rain ~

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~ Rain ~

Mikey had been talking about his feelings to Draken and annoyingly, Emma happened to overhear. As soon as she heard, she interrupted with an "eep!" startling the other blondes.

"I cant believe you finally admitted it!" She shouted excitedly. To say she was buzzing was an understatement.

The taller of the Sano siblings turned to her with wide eyes before it turned to an irritated look.

"You better not say a word." Mikey threatened her. "I want to be the one to tell her, not anyone else."

Emma accepted in defeat after Draken also sent her a warning glare.

"Then when are you going to tell her?" She asked taking a seat on the sofa next to Draken who shifted slightly, his cheeks threatening to warm if she scoots any closer to him.

"I don't know... I don't want to force it. I just want it to happen when it happens." He shrugged, 'even if I am dying to feel her lips against mine again. If I was her boyfriend I could kiss her whenever I wanted.'

"If you wait for that, you may be waiting forever. That girl is deeeense. Besides all she thinks of is bikes like you said. You can't wait for her." Emma advised her elder brother who chewed the inside of his cheek knowingly.

Emma also thought about the fact that she always wanted to talk boys with Naoka, but she tends to not talk about that sort of thing. So, whenever she goes to Emma with problems, which isn't all that often, she's always really excited.

"I know, I get that..." he looked away, fidgeting with his fingers and they notice the spontaneous shy-like demeanor he has. Emma and Draken looked at each other with a smirk before looking back to the adorable Mikey.

"Wait, don't tell me you're... scared?" The tattooed male asked, and lovestruck boy's head snapped to him in shock.

"What?! No of course not hahaha Manjiro Sano? Scared? Delusional!" He said awkwardly looking away.

"Oh my god, you totally are!" Emma chimed in causing his face to go red. "Are you worried she doesn't like you back?"

His lack of response was answer enough and the other couple looked at each other warmly.

"Dude! You two have already kissed of course she must like you back." Draken got up to slap his back hard and he almost spluttered.

"Wait! You two have kissed?! When?!" Emma exclaimed loudly causing Mikey to look at his friend annoyed for letting it slip.

'Argh, can't believe she didn't tell me this!'

"You two are as dense as each other, I swear to god." Emma says boredly as she picks her nails.


Mikey wanted to hang out with Naoka so he decided to text her to meet up after the chat with Draken and Emma. 'Ghee, the nerve of those two when they won't even hurry up and get together.'

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