The Misadventures Of Waylon Mcintyre And Peyton Knight: pilot

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Waylon and Peyton are back home from their ride around the town on their bikes. The night before they discussed about doing it because the forecast called for it to be clear and sunny, after, while going in the house Waylon places his bike against the wall outside their apartment.
"You're gonna place your bike out here?" Asks Peyton "aren't you scared of it getting stolen?"
"Peyton," says Waylon "here everybody knows everybody, it would be stupid for someone to steal something knowing someones gonna identify them in 10 seconds flat. Also, we got neighbors next, across, and above us. If someone were to steal my bike, someone would hear them before they could get their hands on the handle. There's also a Target and Walmart not too far away so if it were to get stolen, I could just go to Target or Walmart and get a new one."
"Ohhhh... yeah, I guess you're right that would be stupid for someone to do that." The two go inside.


"Well, Peyton, it finally happened... bastards stole my damn bike." Waylon says looking at where he had his bike the night before with his hands on his hips.
"Damn." Peyton says with one hand on her hip and a mouthful of bagel "but I thought you said no one could steal it cuz everybody knows each other and other stuff..."
"Well I guess I was wrong or something."
"Mmm, so... are you gonna buy a new one?"
"Yeah I guess..."
"Hmph, well let me go get dressed then."
"Yeah, me too" Waylon says as he walks back into the house closing the door behind him.

The Misadventures Of Waylon McIntyre and Peyton KnightWhere stories live. Discover now