LUCID Part 13

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Four hours later, after meeting with the State Police and dropping off the sleeping Randolph Carter to his home, I returned to Kenzie's apartment. "All done. Like I said. With three police officers watching and Randolph Carter sleeping like a baby, we locked him in his own bedroom,  safe in his own house. I told the police he came over here and he confronted me but I didn't want to press charges. I just wanted him to sleep it off. Everyone is happy. Case closed. We didn't do anything to him and Randy is safe at home, very much alive, with the police watching the place from the outside right now."

I tossed the second doll I stole when the police weren't looking from Randy's apartment on the table beside the one Randy found hidden in Kenzie's bedroom. "Case closed? That human monster piece of crap is still alive, Nash. Still in the Dreamlands." Kenzie explained. "How does any of this help anything? Because you brought back the other doll? These stupid dolls don't matter anymore. I signed the book! You should've killed him. I should've killed him."

"These two things, these magic items, we're going to burn them and scatter the ashes." I stated, pointing at the twin dolls.

"So? Will that break the curse?" Kenzie asked skeptically. "Like I said, I signed the book."

"It can't hurt." I told her. "Maybe it will help."


"Also, the police weren't too happy about all those cats, so tomorrow, with a warrant, they'll return with animal control to impound all the cats." I told Kenzie.

"So?" The woman asked me. "Impound? Who cares about those dumb cats?"

Ignoring the question, I continued. "Oh, and Kenzie, I also swung by the University on my way back and double-checked something in the BOOK OF AZATHOTH. Turns out, I was right. Once Randy dies, since he was your sponsor or whatever, bringing you into the Dreamlands, you'll be free and clear of his influence in your dreams. Once he dies, you're free. You'll never have to visit the Dreamlands again. You can sleep just like normal people. No more lucid dreams."

"But he's still alive, Nash. We left him alive!" Kenzie blurted out angrily. "Why aren't you listening to me? Randy can still hurt me. Fine, I understand. I'll be free when he dies, but what about now? What about tonight?"

"Go change into something fancy." I told Kenzie. "I'm taking you out to eat tonight. To celebrate."

"Nash?" Kenzie asked. "What the hell are you talking about? Celebrate what? Can you even hear me?"

"To celebrate your freedom. I have a feeling you'll be sleeping peacefully tonight." I explained cryptically.

Glancing sideways at me and smiling, still unsure what I was talking about, Kenzie went into her bedroom to change. Seconds later, she screamed out to me. "Nash!"

Running into the bedroom, I found Kenzie standing next to her bed, holding her shirt, wearing nothing but her jeans and her bra. "My scars!" Kenzie shouted, pointing at her abdomen. "They're gone! Vanished! I'm completely healed. What does this mean?"

"It means Randolph Carter is dead. Like I said, you're free of him. Forever." I explained.

Kenzie leaped into my arms and kissed me hard on the mouth. "He's dead? How? How did this happen?"

"He had an accident." I explained. "Died in his sleep today. At least that's what animal services and the police will say when they serve that warrant for his cats tomorrow."

"What did you do?" Kenzie inquired after she kissed me again. "I know it was you! Thank you, thank you, thank you. But what did you do?"

"Nothing much." I told her. "Well, actually, truth be told, I might have accidentally bumped open that cage of rodents in his room when I carried Randy to his bed." I paused for a moment before explaining further. "I guess all those rats were hungrier than we thought."

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