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Leaning against the hard stone, John Marston groaned as his body pained and the gunshot in his shoulder ached the worst.

The snow below him was stained red with his blood, carnivores would be able to track this.

He glanced over to his left and noticed how his horse was no longer breathing.

The poor thing had been shot aswell but managed to carry John up the mountain before finally accepting it's fate.

The man hoped he would be able to carry himself but his body was badly wounded as a pack of wolves had tried to make a meal of him.

They got scared off by something, whatever it was he hoped it wouldn't come back and find him.

Today was not his lucky day.

A large, black creature seemed to stalk around him, hidden by the snowstorm that made his vision limited.

It's e/c eyes stuck out though, watching him as it paced back and forth just a few feet away from John.

It finally stepped out of hiding and it was revealed to be a large wolf.

Bigger than any wolf he had ever seen, no wonder those other wolves ran.

Reaching for his holster, John realized his guns were gone and he frantically patted his pockets, trying to find his knife.

That was gone too, he must have dropped it when escaping Blackwater or maybe when the wolves attacked.

It didn't matter know, the man's chance of surviving was very slim and nearly impossible.

This wolf was massive and looked strong, there was no way he would be able to outrun or overpower this animal.

It crept closer and closer, until it's jaws were right by his face and drool dribbled onto his lap.

He held his eyes tightly closed and used his hands to cover his neck, trying to atleast feel a little protected.

However, the creature merely sniffed him before dragging him by his jacket collar towards his horse.

It started nudging the saddlebag and a can of food fell out, the wolf nudged it towards John who thought he was dead and had entered heaven.

A howl snapped him out of his thoughts as the black wolf turned and growled a warning at the approaching wolves.

Only one of the four were brave enough to stay as the others ran, it charged but was cut off by the black wolf.

The larger wolf mauled the other's face and eventually ripped out it's throat as blood splattered everywhere around them.

The winning wolf glanced back at John before walking back to him, it nudged the can closer and he hesitantly opened it.

He ate as the wolf sat and watched him, finally finishing the can he tossed it beside his deceased horse.

He hissed as he attempted to stand and before he could collapse, a fluffy surface kept him up.

John slowly and cautiously used the wolf as support to stand before taking a breath.

He wasn't dead and now had some food in him, the storm was still hectic and he would need shelter.

However, the outlaw had a...companion that seemed to be friendly towards him for now.

As he limped, the wolf walked beside him and acted as a crutch for John.

The outlaw had no idea what he was doing but he pulled out a handkerchief Hosea had given him before holding it out to the wolf.

"Think you can find him?"

He asked, guessing he sounded really stupid considering he was talking to a wolf.

Suddenly, John was on the back of said wolf as it ran through the snow with no trouble as if it could smell the scent for miles.

Making twists and turns, the man only held on with what strength he had.

Hearing howls and snarls made him hide his face in the back of wolf, hoping he was just imagining it.

John's exhausted body finally couldn't stay conscious anymore and his eyes closed as hid body went limp.

The last thing he heard was shouting and a gunshot.

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