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glenn and silas had been traveling in the woods for a good while already, the two beginning to fall into a pattern of glenn rambling and silas listening to him. sometimes, silas would get comfortable enough to ramble as well, mostly about random and pretty dumb things. the two had decided to take a break, more for glenn's sake than silas'.

the topic for their current conversation was how much it irked silas not having a toothbrush or toothpaste, not having a shower he could walk into every morning. his body odor was admittedly beginning to bother him. sure, he had smelled far worse things but he couldn't remember a time where his body smelt like this much sweat, dirt coating his tan skin. glenn had instantly agreed, not liking how his hair was damp all of the time, the feeling of it uncomfortable and the smell nearly unbearable for him.

their talk had eventually come to a stop, silas deciding that it was time for them to get moving, and glenn agreed, although he groaned, his body feeling too tired to actually move. silas had encouraged him to ignore it, telling him that it was better they move now, and he hoped he would be able to hunt.

it took no time for the two to pack up, immediately beginning to move. "you know, i never got your last name" glenn spoke, looking up at the taller man, who shot him a small glance, jaw clenched. at silas' silence, glenn groaned, "come on, we're alone and i told you mine" exasperated, silas huffed, "barnes." he muttered, hoping to god that glenn would believe it, and it seemed to work as glenn beamed up at him, clearly very happy that he now knew silas' last name.

"now, stay quiet or you'll scare all  the animals away" silas muttered, already working on notching an arrow onto his bow. he walked carefully, long legs bent at the knees and eyes narrowed. as the pair continued on, the taller of the two would occasionally shoot an arrow at an animal, ending it's life and claiming it as his.

so far, silas had caught seven squirrels and three rabbits. he had made glenn hold them, all of the animals tied to a rope that the korean man hesitantly held. when silas had first told glenn to carry the rope the man had groaned in disgust, a look of distaste on his face.

the two didn't get much farther before silas suddenly stopped, eyes narrowed as he placed a hand out in front of glenn, causing the man to bump into it with a small yelp. "there's people" silas muttered, eyes assessing the group he could see from behind the bush and trees him and glenn stood behind.

the group of people seemed to have taken camp in a big clearing over-looking a quarry, a big rv standing tall in the center of their camp. the camp was alive with people, men, women, and children walked around the place, big smiles on many of their faces.

silas had began to back away, not liking how many people there was, glenn seemed to have other ideas and the idiot instead walked closer to the camp, eyes sparkling with a wide grin on his face. "hey, wait" silas muttered, trying to grab glenn's arm but the man had already walked out their hiding spot leaving silas to glare at his back "you stupid fucking idiot" silas muttered angrily, jaw clenched.

the camp's liveliness came to a halt, a man immediately pointing a shotgun to a now petrified glenn, his eyes were wide as he eyed the barrel of the shotgun. "woah woah, hold on! we come in peace!" hands held up in surrender, glenn stumbled over his words, giving the man that stayed hidden away.

"we?" the man with the shotgun asked, crazed eyes runnjng around the scenery behind glenn, hoping to catch the people that may have been hidden. silas was fuming, he wanted to punch glenn over and over, he was so utterly stupid. the taller man only sighed, reluctantly beginning to walk out of his hiding spot, the shotgun now trained on him.

everyone around their little camp stared at the two men, watching how the tallest narrowed his eyes at all of them. silas was met with the sight of two other men joining the one with the shotgun. the two looked pretty alike, one of them wielding a crossbow and a scowl while the other held an AR, a smirk on his face. having three different weapons pointed at him made glenn quiet nervous, and he wasn't good at hiding it because as a small minute of silence passed, he seemed to remember the rope of animals he held because he held it up, a forced smile on his face.

"we brought food?" glenn muttered out unsurely, causing the man with the AR to snort as silas snatched it out of his hand with a scoff. "no we didn't." silas huffed out, glare set on the man that still pointed the shotgun dangerously close to the pair. "who the hell are you guys?" the man asked, his head cocked to the side, "oh! im glenn and this is silas" glenn introduced themselves, hand held out for a handshake from the man, who after a beat of silence sighed and lowered his gun, shaking glenn's hand. "shane walsh" he muttered, eyes set on silas, who stared right back, his brow raised.

"you two alone?" one of the men behind shane asked, the smirk still on his face as his finger hovered over the trigger. "yeah" glenn answered, sending the man a friendly smile but it fell as the man chuckled, "best not be lying" he growled out, sneering at the two. "merle!" shane grit out, eyes narrowed at the man, "lower the gun" he added, noting how nervous glenn looked at having the weapon pointed at him. the man, merle, scoffed before putting his weapon down, being followed by the one with the crossbow.

merle scoffed under his breathe, muttering some things to himself as he began to walk away, the other man following him without a word, his face set in a scowl similar to merle's. silas' eyes followed their backs for  bit until he averted them to shane once again, who had his hands on his hips. "where you two headed?" he asked the two, "wherever we end up, i guess" glenn muttered, a small frown on his face as silas still warily looked around.

"si?" a voice called out, and silas immediately perked up, not many people called the man by that nickname and he hadn't heard it in what felt like months. "son of a bitch" he muttered, eyes focusing on the figure of the man who had called out to him, eyes wide in disbelief. "cass?" he muttered, lips perking up the slightest bit as cass grinned and approached him, pulling him in for a quick hug.

"you know each other?" shane asked, causing the two to pull apart. "yeah! he's my best friend!" cass beamed, smiling up at silas, who scowled as shane grinned in amusement. "huh" the man muttered, lookinh between the two before shrugging. "help them to a tent" he ordered, and cass happily obliged, a grin on his face.

words; 1226

authors note;
were u guys expecting an update? cause i sure wasn't. anyways, i stopped rewriting this AGESS ago especially because i was going through a very tough time but things are looking better and i've been getting back into this so hopefully expect more updates soon because i want to finish rewriting so i can get on with it all and at least finish season 2 so i can decide if i want to keep this book going or just end it there :(
although if things go good, which i hope they will, i'll be able to write all the cute little daryl and silas moments i've planned and prewritten and anything else that may happen

metanoia   ,   daryl dixon   (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now