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***Hey everyone! I'm so excited to be starting this story. This is my first one, so I know it will be rough :) Don't be afraid to comment and give me advice! Thank you. For giving this story a chance.

I also wanted to dedicate this part to Maggie Hall, author of The Conspiracy of Us, for helping me and answering all of the questions I had. Thank you for cheering for and believing in me.


Dreams are so alluring, because they're unpredictable. No one really knows why we do it. How it happens. What they might mean. My mom used to say you'd dream the things you want the most. I guess I really wanted a miniature Jeep to ride in when I was nine.

"What about the scary ones? The nightmares?" My younger self would ask, cocking my head to the side in question.

"Those are the things you're most afraid of." A small, almost sad, smile played on her lips.

I had a dream that night. One of my scary ones. I dreamed that my mom had been in a car accident. I woke up that night screaming, tears running down my face. My mom and brother ran to either side of me, telling me it was going to be okay, it was just a dream. That it wasn't real. And shh go to bed, Sweetie. Two weeks later, my dream came true. Literally. I still remember sitting in all black, with my brother's hand in mine, as they lowered the wooden case out of sight.

After that, I've been infatuated with dream catchers. I looked them up once, that same year. They say it catches the bad dreams in the webs, while the good ones flow down to the feathers and into your head when you sleep. I always did believe it caught my darkest dreams, put it in some magical place so I wouldn't have to wake up to them. I just never thought that magical place would be reality. I actually did have to relive them. Odd isn't it? How you think you believe in something, but when you actually see it happening, you just can't fathom it.

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