Call Me Dumb - Chapter Five

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Hello my lovelies! This is chapter five, obviously =D I’m writing chappy six at the moment so if I get it finished it may be posted tomorrow. It may, I’m not promising, but I’ll try ;) Don’t forget to vote and please, pretty please comment! It makes my day when I get those special little emails telling me that people are actually reading this! Once again thanks for all the support, I feel all special and important! ;D


Chapter Five

 Aunt Nina started jumping around like a three year old on Christmas morning, squealing about how excited she was, how much fun we were going to have – ‘in a safe and responsible way’ – and how she wanted to show me around right away. I shrugged and let her pull me out to her red Porsche convertible 911. My eyes bugged out and she giggled like a little kid again.

“He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” she asked as she stroked her hand along the cherry red paint.

“‘He’?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Mm hm, Alejandro,” she told me with a smile. I laughed, shaking my head as she got in the driver’s seat.

“You named it?” I laughed as I got in the passenger’s side.

Him, Cassie, not it,” she corrected me with a warning look. I resisted the urge to laugh and just nodded.

“How did you decide on the name, ‘Alejandro’?” I asked, managing to keep my face straight. This is why I’m such a good poker player.

“It was playing in the car dealership when I set eyes on him,” she explained dreamily as she pulled out of her garage and down the long driveway. “It was love at first sight.”

She showed me my new school, which was exactly a ten minute drive away, and then the local shopping centre before taking me into town and to her favourite cafe.

“Hey, Max!” she called as we walked inside. A guy with shortly cropped blonde hair turned around and smiled at her before looking at me in surprise. “This,” she said, grabbing me and pulling me over with her. “Is my niece Cassie, she’s going to be staying with me to do year twelve at Ridgeway. Cassie, this is Max, he’ll be in the same year is you.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I said in my ‘dumb blonde’ voice, smiling brightly. “It makes me a little less nervous to know someone.”

“Well I’m sure you’ll be fine,” he reassured me with a wary smile. I had to stop myself from laughing out loud; I just knew he was thinking ‘Oh, another Barbie’.

“You could show her around,” Nina said to him.

“Uh, I’m not really sure that Cassie would want me to show her around, I’m sure someone else will volunteer,” he replied. I frowned. Why didn’t he want to show me around? “The usual?” he asked before I had a chance to find out.

“Two,” Aunt Nina smiled before leading me over to a table.

“That was weird,” I frowned as I sat down across from her.

“It’s probably because of his girlfriend,” she nodded. “I’ve never met her but he talks about her all the time.” I nodded. Okay, that was a good reason; he didn’t want to show the new girl around because his girlfriend might get jealous. But why did I have a feeling there was more to it than that? “So,” she said, giving me a semi-serious look. “I want to establish some rules. I know I’m the cool, fun aunt but I promised your parents I’d look after you, and if you get hurt then I’ll never forgive myself let alone your mother forgiving me. God, she wouldn’t speak to me for a year because I broke her doll, could you imagine what she’d do to me if I broke you?” she smirked. I smiled. “Now, there will be no smoking, drinking or drugs under my roof,” she said sternly. I nodded, because I had absolutely no intention of doing those things full stop. “I want you home by eleven on school nights, one on weekends. I don’t want you going to clubs, unless I’m the one taking you,” she paused as I laughed. “And as for parties, now I know that they’re going to come up and you’re going to have to go, but take it easy yeah? Don’t get so smashed you can’t stand upright and never take a drink from someone you don’t know, especially a guy, unless it’s completely sealed.” I nodded, waiting for her to continue onto house rules, but she didn’t.

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