Senseless Love

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Love and trust; it was something Shu has longed for-his entire life. Love; a genuine affection in the form of caring him beyond his imperfections, Trust; the amount of unshakeable trust they had on him even if the fate's game was opposing, even if he's in the brink of do or die situation. Shu wasn't anything like he has ever let on, he was a human too. A lonely soul afraid of judging criticism that passed behind his back, those mocking gossips about him. That's why, he has created this new persona far beyond his own, it doesn't matter if he was faking it all along, He just wanted to mingle into the group rather than standing out and being the topic of gossips. This Mr. Perfect facade has firmly woven in his soul that the real Shu was long forgotten eventually.

There he was-Lui shirosagi; appeared like a storm in the sea and ended up being the spring that blooms beautiful flowers in his garden. Two years. It took Lui completely whole two years to earn Shu's trust. By the time of their graduation, Shu confessed his feelings. Where it all begins.

A month has passed since their graduation day, Shu and Lui have been awaiting for this very moment to cherish, to welcome the new chapter of their story-to understand each other even better than before, accept their flaws and work together to build their relationship into a strong, unbreakable bond. They awaited for what their love life has yet to offer, the beginning of a new life in a whole new world.

When the saturday's daylight arrived to signal them about another new day with the soft spring breeze fluttering their curtains that has been prevailing the darkness to crept them into a good night's sleep. Embracing eachother in their body warmth, the albino curled up into his lover's muscled arms whilst Lui's hand protectively wrapped around his waist-afraid his love will leave him. Their legs were tangled together like the red strings of fate, Shu involuntarily shivered at the dewy coldness nipping at his delicate skin.

Lui wakes up from his dreamless slumber, squinting his eyes at the ceiling for a moment longer than a minute, a small yawn slipped pass his slightly parted lips. As the world came into focus clearing all the whites and blurs, Lui glanced down at the albino clinging to his chest while his head rested on his arm. Effortlessly a small smile cracked into his lips, "Morning Snowflake." Leaning down, tucking the strands of loose hair behind his ear, Lui planted a loving kiss on his plump lips. He knew Shu absolutely loved it when Lui wake him up with the sweetness of his fruity kiss.

Hearing his loving boyfriend's voice first in the morning was the blissful feelings Shu had never denied about, he loved the way Lui would plant sweet kisses all over his face and cuddle with him until Shu wakes up. Lui noticed. He gently pulled the albino closer wrapping the thick blanket around the boy, cocooning him like a butterfly about to spread his dazzling wings to the nature. Shu was grateful for having been blessed by all the gods in the world to have a caring partner like Lui. "Five more minutes.." His voice was painfully small less than a whisper, Lui hummed whilst Shu snuggled his face into the white tyrant's well defined chest.

"Love you." Lui stroked a finger on his long silky white locks tenderly, no matter how many hours he spends watching that beautiful face still Lui couldn't get enough of it. Lui himself was secretly grateful for having an adorable partner that would lean onto him and drive him out to a new world where it was just Shu and Him, alone.

Shu leaned into his soft caressing touch, "Love you too." He groggily replied letting the morning insolence to take over him head to toe. As a matter of factly, Shu wasn't the sort of morning person to begin with. Secondly, he would cherish this very moment till it lasts, Lui loves it when he let out his true nature. And Shu knew too well that - Lui is the only person in this world right after Valt, that will never judge him for who really he is. "Can we go out today?"

"Is it a date?" Lui snuggled his face deeper into the crook of his neck inhaling the intoxicating scent of wild strawberries, Shu nodded letting his fingertips gracefully ran through his blazing hair that was fortunately moving in a soft waves rather than the fierce patterns as if like a real fire.

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