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It is finally time, the USJ hasn't gone to plan but all hope is not lost.

Beginning Notes:

Alright this is the last of my backlog of chapters. I haven't been able to do anything more since I last updated due to finals and my study's for my Lsat. Unfournetly, more serious problems have been thrown in as well.

I've received news today that my grandmother has fallen and broken her hip, she's currently awaiting surgery at this time. They don't know what's going to happen at the moment and I'm just a little out of it to be trying to force myself to write. I'm in no way quitting, but I need a break from pushing myself. I'll update when I have it in me to do so. For now, have a nice Christmas and I'll see you all in the new year most likely.

"BT!" Izuku yelled outward as he rushed forward to the titan's side. Its arms reached out as it grabbed ahold of Izuku. BT's metal doors cracked open, allowing for the boy to embark.

"Midoirya! Where are you going" Some students called, worried for their fellow students well being.

Other stood in shock as they tried to understand why a person who had a 'A.I.' quirk was using a mech! That wasn't fair, how could he down play such a thing.

And then one, one blonde could be heard yelling 'Fuckin Deku, cheat, useless son of a bit-'

"BT-7274 online and ready for combat. New mission parameters set, PROTECT YUUEI STUDENTS AND STAFF PERSONNEL." The mech announced as its pilot sat down. "Control relinquished to pilot."

And with those heavy words, the mech began to move forward from its position on the ground, soon passing Eraser, as the man couldn't help but hold a faintest of smile. They may be under attack, but no hope was lost just yet.

Walked closer to the villains before him, each looking to attack at a given chance. But, before they could, Midoriya's voice was projected from the large robot speakers. "Stand down villains or face the consequences."

"And who are you, you cheating bitch!" The light blunette asked, standing at the center of the villain formation. Izuku smirked as he stood his ground in the center plaza of the USJ. They'd trained for this, trained to take on several foes and to thwart those who threatened the very system in which hero society had been built.

"I am the hero known as Pilot. My partner will not hesitate if you harm the students or faculty of U.A. Stand Down." BT's voice once again restated, more so emphasizing the apparent need for surrender.

"You think some puny Mech is going to stop us? Come now, we've come to kill All Might, what chance do you have in stopping us?" Robot seemed to pause for a moment, analyzing the foes in front of it before responding.

"By my current calculations there is a 92% chance of success of victory. Though, if a student or faculty member is harmed, that chance rises to 97%" The A.I. stated, its blue eye looking the villains up and down as if analyzing each and every one of them.

"What makes you so sure? You don't even know what our-" The bluentte was cut off once more as the robot continued on.

"Villain alias: Tomura Shigaraki - suspected leader of the League of Villains. Quirk: Five Finger Disintegration. Real name- Tenko Shimura grandson of Nana Shimura, the hero once known as Adamant. Kurogiri - Quirk: Warp Gate, Hmm, my scans are also picking up a facial ID of Shirakumo Oboro." The Mech finally focused on the Nomu, unable to find a name, however several quirk signatures were present.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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