Chapter 7

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(Before reading note: This is going back to the morning of the first day of school)

"Ashlee are you up yet?" A woman calls faintly.

Andy's POV
Really,  she had to yell, she couldn't just go in Ashlee's room?

Andy rolls out of bed, rubbing his eyes to clear his blurry vision.

Andy's POV
Maybe I should go and scare her because she's too lazy too set an alarm

Andy sneaks out of his room, slowly creeping his way to the outside of her room.

"You know there's this thing called sleep!"  Andy screams running into Ashlee's room.

"Andy! I was putting my contacts in! You could have really hurt me!" Ashlee whines.

"Oh another year of lies, I wonder how much this school will love them," Andy says exhaling deeply and walks out of the room.

Andy's POV
I just don't get why she must lie about her looks. I've only known her for two school years. This is exactly why we had to move, because people wouldn't stop teasing her about lying, here she goes doing it again.

Andy slowly scuffles off to his bedroom dragging his feet. He grabs the cold doorknob and twists it open letting the door fly open.

Andy's POV
I don't even want to go to school....

Andy's eyes flutter closed as he falls into a light sleep.

"Ashlee! Breakfast!" The woman calls from the bottom of the stairs.

Andy jolts awake by the woman's scream.

Andy's POV
I love how she called Ashlee but not me. I see how it is, I'm the forgotton child even though I've been here longer.

Andy lays in his bed on his back just staring at the celing.

"Ashlee! It's breakfast time!" The woman yells  down the hallway from Andy's room.

Andy's POV
And again little miss princess gets a personal call down to breakfast. Ugh it was so much better that summer when she came, she didn't get all of this special treatment

*2 mintues later*

Andy hears some feet coming closer and closer to his door. As the steps come closer and closer he can hear the squishing of someone's feet sticking to the floor and unsticking with each step.

"Andy! Why are you still in bed?? You know this is an important day. It's the first day of your senior year!" The woman says quickly.

"Mmm," Andy groans not wanting to get out of bed.

"Andy get out of bed now," the woman says again this time a little more serious.

"I don't want to," Andy whines and puts his blanket over his head.

"Andy John Jones, get out of your bed now!" The woman yells snatching the blanket off Andy's body.

Andy leaps out of bed in his batman boxers and black t-shirt just ending where his boxers began.

"You happy?" Andy yells putting out his hands.

"ANDY! You could have told me that's why you didn't want to get out of bed!" The woman shrieks covering her eyes.

"You didn't give me enough time. Plus that's not the only reason I didn't want to get out of bed," Andy explains slipping on some pants.

"Why wouldn't you want to go?" The woman asks concerned.

"Well who wants to get up early in the morning and  be surrounded by idiots?" Andy questions.

"Andy, this is a new school. Which means new people you don't know that," the woman explains.

"They are everywhere. Plus who wants to start over senior year?" Andy asks.

"I know it's just one more year, you can push through it," The woman comforts rubbing his arm.

"Yeah yeah," Andy mumbles going to his door.

"Where are you going?" The woman asks.

"Breakfast, I'm starving," Andy replies with a smile.

"Alright, I have to go and wake your sister up, she's taking forever. I'll meet you down there," the woman says with a smile.

"Okay," Andy says rolling his eyes and walking out of his room.


"Hey now if it isn't little miss perfect," Andy teases under his breath.

"Shut up Andy," Ashlee snaps back.

"Hey don't you guys start," their mother says putting up her arms.

"What's for breakfast?" Their mother asks trying to change the subject.

"Chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and sausage," the woman replies.

"Thank you, sounds delicious Jade," Ashlee's mom says as she goes over and grabs another plate.

Jade goes over and goes over to the stove and grabs some pancakes and a few other plates.

"Thank you," Andy mumbles as the plate is placed in front of him

"You're welcome," Jade responds grabbing Ashlee's plate.

"Morning everyone," A man greets giving Ashlee's mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning Mr.Jones," Jade greets as the man sits down.

"I've told you a million times to just call me Sebastion, the man replies.

"Okay, sorry," Jade mutters as she hands Sebastion his plate of food.

"Are you guys ready for school?" Jade asks as she looks at Andy and Ashlee.

"No I have to get dressed!" Ashlee says and runs up the stairs.

Andy's POV
Why does she get everything? Seriously I never got a limo when I went to school.

Andy slips on a Bring me the Horizon and pulls his jeans on. He quickly brushes through his brown, slightly quiffed hair and grabs his sneakers.

"Want to ride with me in the limo?" Ashlee asks bouncing up and down like a 5 year old.

"I think I'll walk," Andy mumbles.

Author's note: I'm sorry I took so long to write. I was really busy but finally got the time to. Sorry that this chapter was a lot like one I already wrote, it was just to show it more in Andy's point of view. I might update again just because this wasn't too much of an update. But  I'm not really encouraged to write as much as I was before. I just don't know if you guys like this story anymore :/ if you want me update again leave a comment or a vote.

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