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Follow your Judge!

Judge's Deadline: 14th of February, 2022.

Judge: phaylen

1) LineksaPegado - When she went missing

2) RoBwanKenobi - What happens in the Shadows

3) Ry-reader-29 - Spell broken

4) writtenbytey  - I Love you so

5) yoongieatingpaprika - The Never ending friendship

6)  ShelleyratedxMJ - The wicked intentions

7) ms__savant - The Untold

8) YemiAkande - The Last Dragon Lord.

9) CLmauve - Detective Yuki

10) mintyoongi214 - Write

This is all for the Mystery/Thriller genre. Judging starts now and ends before 14th February, 2022. Good Luck!

GEMS BOOK AWARDS- JANUARY EDITION(JUDGING)Where stories live. Discover now