Bag Secured

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(Still didn't know what to title this so-)

Y/n woke up to a knock on her room door. She groaned before she rolled over and covered her ear with the pillows.

"A few more minutes Papi!" Y/n said as she threw the blanket over her.

"Te me levantas ya!" Sebastian said as he opened the door.

"Ughhh daaaad!" Y/n said as she threw a pillow at him. He quickly caught it before looking at his daughter.

"So you wanna play rough? I'll show you rough!" Sebastian said as he charged towards his daughter. He started hitting her with the pillow, to which Y/n only started to laugh.

"Ok ok! I'm awake!" Y/n said while sitting up.

"Good! Now, I have a meeting with the Madrigals today. So do me a favor and clean up the house a bit before heading out. Whatever adventure you go on be safe, don't cause trouble, don't electrocute someone, control your temper." Sebastian said as he listened more things while walking downstairs. Y/n playfully rolled her eyes before she got up and got ready. She made her bed before she walked downstairs.

"You're leaving already?" Y/n asked as she made herself some coffee. Sebastian only kissed the top of his daughters head before speaking.

"Yes! The sooner we can find help for the fountain the sooner we can go home and fix it." Sebastian said as he walked out the door. Y/n sighed before she took a sip of her coffee and started to clean. She was dancing around and humming a tune in her head while doing so. As she swept she slowly started to recreate the first dance her and Camilo had. She stopped right before the dip part with a frown.

"Wow, I didn't know you Manzanares were all so weird." Y/n turned her head to a open window, with Natalia outside leaning on the edge.

"Go away Natalia! How did you even find out where I lived?!" Y/n asked as she twirled the broom in her hand before pointing it at Natalia.

"Don't worry about that, what you need to worry about is being safe in Encanto again because I'm watching you!" Natalia said while pulling the broom stick closer until she was in Y/n's face. Y/n only snorted before letting out a laugh

"Natalia, what do you not understand? You will never have him. We are engaged after all. Bride and groom to be! And you will be nowhere to be seen!" Y/n said before she shoved Natalia away and closed the window. She dusted off her hands before she continued to clean.

Natalia quickly stood up before dusting herself off.

"Engaged?! They are engaged?!" The girl asked herself before she started to walk away. She quickly rushed over to the plaza to find Camilo. She saw him playing with the kids.

"Camilo Madrigal!" Natalia said as she stormed up to him. The children all gasped before hiding behind Camilo. He look at Natalia with a small glare.

"Stop yelling, you're scaring them." Camilo stated as he placed his hand on the side of one of the kids heads.

"That's doesn't matter right now! When we're you gonna tell me you were engaged to that piece of scum!" Natalia said as she got in his face.

"Natalia- not in front of the kids. Back up dude-."

"Dude!? I'm not your 'dude' I'm your girlfriend!" Natalia stated before she raised her hand and was ready to slap the boy. Before she made contact with him he shifted to a kid before shifting back.

"Natalia- go home and WAIT for me to be done babysitting for today. Then, and only then will we talk about this Natalia." Camilo said as he glared at the girl before walking away with the kids right behind him. A little girl stayed behind to look at Natalia who had a shocked expression on her face. He's never spoken to her like that, she didn't know how to feel. She looked down at the little girl before crossing her arms.

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