Chapter 1

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At the Airplane...

Aurora wakes up from her long journey and now she's Arrived ..

"Finally Arrived,Okay so i need to grab my suitcase and another stuff." Aurora said.

"I'll help you carry the other stuff." Jack Said.

"Oh,Thank you,Archer." I say.

"No Problem." Jack Said.

Then at the Bureau European headquearters...

"Welcome To the Bureau, Little Detective! Nice to meet you! My name is Ingrid Bjorn,I served as the agency's administrative assistant." Ingrid said.

"Come with me,Aurora. I'll introduce you to our Chief!" Ingrid said.


"Excuse me ma'am,this is detective Aurora Beryl,New recruit." Ingrid said.

"Ah,Aurora! Really on time! I bet you follow the news?" Ripley said.

"Oh..,Not Really ma'am" I said.

"No?! Well, we better show you! Ingrid,get her presentation material!" Ripley said.

"In recent months, Europe has been hit by an extraordinary wave of violence."Ingrid said.

"Terrorist attacks that took place in Berlin.."

"and Rome.."

"Every major city in Europe is under warning to suspend the highest level of security."

"and all of this is just the beginning..."Ripley Said.

"We're sure there's someone behind all of this,but we don't know who is it!" Ripley Said.

"That's why,you will go to the Wensminster lane In London,You and Archer will work together,he will meet you at there!" Ripley said.

"Okay Ma'am!" Aurora Said.

Later and later they found a Prince Albert Dead Body...

At the theater Globe...

"Look at this dove,Archer!" Aurora Said.

"Oh My God!Why did you pick up this diseased dove! Keep this animal from me!" Archer Said.



"Oh,Im sorry! I don't know that dove will-"

"Its okay,But it Traumatized me.okay,Back to the topic,i took this roll of paper from the dove back.You better Repair the message written there,Every words is faded. " Jack Said.

"Gosh, the message written on this paper reads. "The Prince is finally dead!" Someone sent a message about prince Albert."Aurora Said.

"I think at this end of this message,there's code!" Aurora said.

"Yea your right!approximately, can you crack the code?" Ask Jack.

"Ya..I've cracked this code, but I don't really know what this code means.." Aurora Said.

"Oh,I know who can help us.."

"There's a hacker working for us at the bureau. His name is's a little weird, but we better send him this code." Jack Said.

Then at Elliot's Laboratory...

"Oh, Archer, aren't you supposed to be at the gym, Mr handsome? and who is she? I didn't know you had a Girlfriend!" Elliot Said.

"Well my name is-"

"HA-HA How funny, Elliot, this is Aurora Beryl, our new detective, so how about you don't be a nerd and help us out." Jack Said.

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