Chapter two: Sick and Sleepy

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(Next day and FYI it is 8:00 and America and Soviet fell asleep on the couch the night before)

[America's POV]

Seeing Soviet sleep was cute, he was curled up beside me with a blanket lying on him on the couch and his head was resting on the armrest. 

He woke up, yawned and stretched then went back to the exact same position he was in before, his golden eyes seemed to glow, he looked so damn cute!!

"Morning Kitty~" I said smiling gently

He sneezed and then glared at me. His sneeze tho, it was even cuter!!

"Don't call me that!" He said, he almost looked mad but a cute kind of mad. His tail started lightly flicking.

"But you look so cute Kitty~" I responded

"If I wasn't sick I would slap.... *sneeze* .... you hard in the face" He was clearly mad at me but cute

"Aww did you just sneeze mid-sentence" I said happily I enjoyed this

"Shut up" He pouted curling up in the blanket even more now, he used his tail and lightly hit me

"But Soviet you look so cute" I argued kindly

"Почему я люблю этого проклятого Капиталиста?" He said to himself (Why do I love this damned Capitalist?)

"What was that Kitty?" I asked petting him on the head, and his eyes widened. His wings shook slightly and his tail suddenly stopped moving.

He blushed and it was as clear as day

"N-Nothing" He said sneezing once, then he berried his head in his arms

"What was that Kitty, a stutter?" I said smiling

I did not see him come towards me and he slapped me in the face, but not as hard as he usually would when I called him Kitty, it did not hurt that bad tho.

"I thought I said no damn Kitty calling!" He said still blushing. His wings spread out.

"I'm Sorry I'm Sorry" I chuckled

I put my hand on the back of his head, he looked at me confused, I moved my head closer and kissed him.......

(306 words)

Kitty: SovAme FanficWhere stories live. Discover now