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"Truths, sometimes don't heal wounds but worsen them"

Erick's Pov

Its been Three Weeks and I've been able to wrap everything up and go back to washington, i really miss Sapph.
I pack my things up and get ready for my flight i decided to use a private jet this time, to be faster and i wanted to surprise her and everyone.

After the flight, i headed over to my apartment to take a shower and change of cloths, but my phone started ringing, looking at the caller ID, It was an unknown number, then i picked up.

"Hello" it was a woman's voice
"Who's this?" I ask
"Erick its Mrs Sarah, i need to talk to you, its very important"
weird, how did she even get my number?, and what she has to say is important.

"Okay, umm i can meet up with you, i just got back"
"Oh really?, well that's great, so where can we meet?"
"I'll text you an address, of a place if its okay with you" I tell her.
"Yeah, its fine".

I text her the address of a place, and drive over there to wait for her.
It took just Ten minutes and she was already here.

"Hi, so what was so important you needed to tell me"
Her eyes looked watery, and she was tensed, i'm so confused right now.

"Does  this have to do with sapph, is she okay?" I ask.

"No, she's fine son"
Did she just say son?, now i'm confused.
"Excuse me?"

"Erick, i, i, i saw the ring you gave to Sapph, its your moms right?, and she gave it to you before she left, Erick i was the one who gave it to you, i'm your mom" She said with tears falling down her eyes.

"Your what?, ohh no, no , no It can't be, you?"

"Erick i can explain, it didn't actually happen the way you think, i was young then, i wasn't thinking straight and i had a lot of things going on in my life"

"Yeah sure a lot of things, that you forgot to include your son in them, you left me for so long, i felt all alone, for years i wondered why my own mother would abandon me, i kept asking myself if she ever loved me, and maybe i was never good enough, and now you come here telling me that you didn't mean to, and that you had a lot of things going on at that time"

"Erick please, believe me i love you son, i've been looking for you all this time, because i want to make up for the lost times, son please give me a chance to be a mother in your life" she said while trying to touch me, and i backed off

"No i don't want to have anything to do with you, i will only accept one mother in my life and that's Mrs Jackie, its never going to be you, i don't want to have anything to do with you, and Sapph will have to stop working for you"

"Son please you can't do this i told her the truth earlier, she's aware and son i think she's happy working with me"

"So she knew all this while?, and she didn't tell me anything, you both have been deceiving me"
I couldn't hear anymore from her and i walked out, and got into my car. I am in deep shock right now, i can't believe this happened, i wanted to be sure and i drove to the pastry shop to see Sapph.

To my surprise she was laughing and having a whole fun conversation with that tutor of hers. I hate him, and she knows i do, so why would she talk to him, and laugh with him.
I just keep standing at the doorstep and watch them, he even makes advances on her and she just watches him and does nothing .

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