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My childhood wasn't the greatest one of them all. There was lots of fights, war, screaming, smoking, getting drunk, etc. Oh and I can't forget the parties. They were sometimes the cause of it all. Someone would unknowingly flirt with another guy's girl and he'd get punched. The next day it would be gang vs gang. When all the shots fired and there is a winner the ambulance would come and carry the body(s) away. Sooner or later people would start coming out again and acting like nothing happened. It's not just the fact that they were use to it. It was because of the fact if they acted like they saw or heard something they would also get put down. So like I was saying. Sooner or later people would start coming out again and acting like nothing happened. We would go back to doing things like we always do. The girls would be talking or playing hopscotch something of that sort. The teens and sometimes the adults would be playing basketball. The gangsters would be gambling cards or playing dice sometimes even threatening people or hustling and trying to find a place to stay. Me though. I'm on the court. Day in and day out. I mean I play other sports besides that, but that's my favorite sport. I normally played with the older kids because 9-10 year olds played soft and didn't really care about the game. They were more interested in the thug life. Wanting to be like the high level gangsters. With the Rolex watches and golden bling having lot of girls and a squad right behind them. Taking over the whole block with their low riders. I'm not going to lie and say I'm the best of us because if I said that. I'd be lieing. I'm actually one of the shortest ones. I'm pretty fast I can jump high but they jump higher, my basketball IQ is not the highest but it's pretty good, my handling is very good. My defense is great but they always get me. Well not always just most of the time. That's why I love playing with them though. They make me work hard and also have to improve to catch up. That's where my story starts. Waiting my turn for a game in the cage.
"Who's next? Who else think they can beat me? Huh? I'm the king of your court none of you losers are close enough. Said Brian. He's been the king of the court since he was in middle school. He's a complete monster. Never been beaten. He is so good the closest anyone has ever come to beating him is within 20 points of him. The reason why is because of a free throw, and all we go to is 21. Before he use to suck horribly. Then one summer his old man sent him away to Iowa and made him join the snow valley basketball camp. When he came back he was a complete monster. First day he stepped on court was the last day anyone would win. His handled are like those of Steff Curry. His threes are just the same. This kid is a 5'7 Dunker. The best part is he even beat the grown ups. After he told people where he got his game from everyone wanted to go to Iowa. Everyone except me. Thanks to him everyone was gone. I could actually get one on one time with him. He taught me how to break ankles and shoot 3's all day. We practiced running and jumping. It was like my own camp. The practice was hard but it paid off. The best part was when it was over we would go to my house and my mom would feed us a feast. Them she would help us with home work. Anyway that all changed when there was a drive by. Shots where fired and thus began a war. No one knew where the shots came from so they started wars. This block would attack that block and that block would attack another block. NY was a war zone. Nothing was under control. The cops couldn't get control of the city. Everyday bystanders would get shot and killed the kids would start joining in the drug department. Dealing the drugs in the unsafe streets. It was a complete Armageddon. The streets were unsafe the kids didn't go to school at all. That the day Brian died. My mother got shot on her way to work. Brian saw her and rushed to save her. He was dragging her into the house and reached into his pocket. Maybe the guy who shoot him thought he was reaching for a gun. Brian pulled out his phone and got shot. Months past until a treaty was made. After the death of Brian and my mom I was different. I was mad all the people who acted like nothing happened. When I see cook out or people playing basketball it disgusted me. When my friends came over to get me I acted like I wasn't home or that I just was sick. Most of them fell for it. Except my two best friend. Ashely and Jerome. Every day they would take turns bringing me food. Breakfast Jerome would bring me food and for lunch Ashely would bring me something. Those were the days i stopped playing basketball. Barely ate and didn't go to school. I was at home all by my self. Until one day Jerome and Ashely barged in. I told them " y'all what's happening. I would love to talk but I missed my sleeping -" I was saying as I was interrupted.
"Shut up" they said in sync. "Sit down and listen"
"What y'all want?" i asked.
"We want you back outside. Dude all you do is sit home and be lazy. You lost 20 pounds. You waste precious food bro" said Jerome. "FOOD. COME ON ZEKE. PRECIOUS FOOD".
" Calm down J. Look I know that this is hard on you with the death and stuff but you have to move on."
"Yeah sure I am moving on." I reply.
"No your not. Look at you. All you do is be lazy. When was the last time you went outside. Picked up a sort of ball? Matter of fact when was the last time you turned on the lights? Dude you look like a vampire, but black. Also you smell like you haven't taken a bath in months" Jerome complained.
"Because I haven't" I mumbled.
"I headed that" Jerome said "now go take a bath."
"No, stop acting like you rule my life OK? You not my mom you not part of my family." I yelled.
"That is all true, here I'll give you a choice. You bathe or we will have to bathe you." Ashely said.
When they said that I have up and went to take a shower. I came back 10 minutes later with my same old clothes.
"Um no, you can't wear that."Ashely said.
"Why not" I asked.
"Because, the old smell raggedy clothes is out of style."
"Sigh, fine I'll go and change." I said
When I went into my room and got my clothes I looked into the mirror and saw my basketball in the corner of my bed. Right above that I saw a picture of Michael Jordan on my wall. To the right of that I saw.... My mom. I wanted to weep. Just cry my self to sleep. I actually wanted to cry as I looked at that picture but then I realized that I couldn't. Since I was 5 I've been done crying. It was just stupid for me to. It wouldn't solve the situation plus it would make me look weak. So as I looked at the picture of my mom I change and went over to it. A couple minutes later. They came in and each put a hand on my shoulder.
"Look dude, it's going to be OK." Said Jerome.
We all left the house and the sun hit me and I automatically closed my eyes.
"Welcome to life Mr. Vampire, hahaha" laughed Ashely.
It's so bright. I felt so good as If I lived in a freeze for so long. As my eyes adjusted I looked at Jerome. He was smiling that smile that made him look as if he has something up his sleeves. Had a muscular face. Sorta like a tough guy face. His hair was on point. Though it was an afro no hair was sticking out of place.
Then I looked at Ashely she was a blond girl with blue eyes. As blue as the sea. Had a Nike head band.
"Stop staring at me so weird" she said
"It's because he likes you" Jerome said joking around.
"Shut up Jerome, your so mean to the kid." Ashely said.
Oh yeah did I forget to Mention that they are both older then me. Anyway back to the story. We approached the cage. The line was empty now that Brian was going. There was never a last long king. Or so I thought. Until I saw this one kid. He was new to the block. He showed up right around the time Brian got killed. Already I didn't like him. So I decided to take a few warm up shots. Made all my 3's handling on point. So I played him.
"Wow the last of the losers. You never seem to win at this do you. First you mom then Brian." He said.
Normally I would fight him but this time I took my anger out on the court. He was easy. I dribble past him. My pump fake was on point then I finished it off with a jump fade. I started attracting all sorts of attention. Kids who were not paying attention came over. The grownups started watching. Before you knew it I had the whole block watching me. I beat him easily. The score was 21-6. The whole block was cheering. When I went to shake his hand he pushed me down and walked away.
"That was some nice playing." Said a white guy I've never seen before. He stood about 6 foot tall. He was kind of a chubby man. Wearing a dark blue suit. Had black hair with grayish strips.
"I'm sorry I didn't properly introduce myself. Mr name is James. James Carter."
"Hi sir, my name is-" I begun
"I know who you are kid. Listen I don't like to be at places like this so let's take a drive." He said
"What do you mean you don't like places like this" I asked with stern voice.
He said nothing as he got in the car and asked for me.
"Sir have you heard of stranger danger."?
" OK then I do I convince you that I'm OK
"? he asked.
I said nothing just sighed and got in the back of his car. We both sat there as the driver pulled off. We both said nothing until I screamed " Stop!"
The car came into a complete stop. I was glad my seat belt was on as I almost collided with the back of the front seat.
"What, kid what happened." He asked
"Wait" I said
"Wait for what"? He asked
" we sat in the car and waited a few minutes before we looked and the back window and saw Jerome and Ashely riding there bike at full speed. It's a good thing they came I was starting to feel ridiculous. Wait how are they planning on riding with us with bikes? I thought.
"Y'all need to show down. OK man? And you. *gasp* *breath* didn't anyone tell you not to go in strange *breath* people car? Stranger danger." Asked out of breath Jerome.
"He wanted to talk so I decoded to give him the benefit of the doubt." I replied.
"Anyway how you planning on riding with us when you have your bikes."? I asked
" our bikes. Ha we stole them. They both dropped there bike and came in the car. For a couple minutes everything was quite as we started to drive off. Until finally I spoke up.
"Sir with all do respect could you tell me why you wanted me in yo car." I asked
"Well" he said with a smile on his face "I saw you play today kid. Your good. Like a natural born basketball player and o want you on my team."
As we pulled up to a French restaurant in the city my stomach started to grumble.
Mr. Carter noticed this and smiled. He put his hand up the car came to a stop and
He asked us if we were hungry and we all replied with a head shake.
"So kid what do you say." He replied.
"Well how come you came today. How come you just picked me out of everyone? Im not even the best one of us?" I asked.
"I've seen you play kid. You could make billions kid." He said.
"Sir as much as I would like that. That's not a real reason. You could pick anyone kid to do what I just did." I said cocky. He kept on taking and giving me reasons but I kept on not listening until he said
"Finally, because of Brian."

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