Par-tay (part 1) - XVIII

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Patiently, Chris listened to his friend as he discussed his plans for the upcoming weekend; while the Washington parental figures were away, Josh would play. Particularly since that weekend was to be Quinn's last, she was catching a flight back to the UK on the Tuesday. 

"What do you think?" Josh asked the blond eventually, after reiterating the plan.

Chris smiled an easy smile, "You know me mi amigo, I'm always up for a party." Josh grinned cheerfully, "But there's something you should probably think about before you run away with this..."


"Uhh, does Quinn seem like the type who enjoys parties?" Chris asked, "She strikes me as more of an 'avoid social events at all costs' kind of girl...well, either that or the type who gets drunk and starts fights..." Chris winced a little at the thought of a drunken, raged fuelled Quinn chasing him round a house party, "I'd ask her first if I were you."

Josh sighed dramatically, "You can't throw a surprise party if you ask the...surprise-ee?" They exchanged a brief questioning look before Josh shrugged and continued, "It'll be fine, she might glare and huff a bit at first but she'll end up having a great time – trust me." 

At that, Chris grinned and shot his friend a conspiratorial look, "You've got a plan haven't you?"

"You betcha." 

The smile the two shared was positively clandestine


Quinn was rather rudely awoken by two female intruders storming into her (Josh's) room and throwing open the curtains; she hissed and shielded her eyes from the sun's cruel rays. "What the..."

"Rise and shine sleepy head," Quinn glared at the perky female in her room, and her slightly guilty looking companion. "You've got a big day ahead of you."

"Jess, Sam. Not to be rude but please get the fuck out before I shoot you both." She pulled the covers up over her head and tried to ignore them both; much to her dismay and annoyance the covers were ripped from her and discarded onto the floor. If looks could kill, then Jessica would most definitely have died a gruesome death at that moment. "What do you want?" She hissed through gritted teeth.

"I told you, you have a big day ahead!" Jess just smiled at her, ignoring the filthy look she was receiving.

"We've been sent to get you ready..." Sam informed her a little apologetically.

Quinn squinted, "Ready for what?" she grumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Your surprise!"

That woke her up.

"My what now?" Jess looked at Sam with a devious smile on her pretty face, a smile Quinn wanted nothing more than to punch off. "Explain, now. I hate surprises." She folded her arms stubbornly and glared at both of them expectantly.

"Well...we can't tell you what the surprise is obviously, but you're supposed to come to mine and have a nice relaxing day." Sam shot Jess a very pointed look, which she snorted at, "And then we'll bring you back later" Both blondes grinned at her hopefully; Quinn was still seriously considering resorting to violence.

Finally, she relented with a sigh, "Fine." She knew they probably wouldn't leave her alone anyway, especially if Josh had anything to do with this 'surprise'. "Let me get dressed and shit and I'll meet you downstairs." They exchanged a look and Quinn rolled her eyes, "Seriously where am I gonna go? You think I'm gonna climb out the window as soon as you leave?"

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