Words from the Writer

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        Before I start the real story, I would like to say that what inspired me to write this story, is because it came from one of my dreams. It was such an amazing dream that I wanted others to know how my imagination ran wild while asleep. I have had a lot of dreams, and will still be having lots of them. But, this is the first dream I had with a complete story outline, and that I wanted to publish it and also extend the story a bit to be a little longer, and a great adventure for the mind's insights...

        I love my dreams! Haha! Most of them are Romance or Horror. I would say Fantasy would be next, then Drama, then Action. I wonder what a comedy dream would be like for me. It wouldn't seem so in my dream; but when I wake up and think about it, I would laugh about some dreams... Weird right? Haha!

        Well, I know you guys wouldn't want to read me talking for long, I know it's boring, and I apologise... Please be sure to like this story (If you do like it... Please? Haha..) and Vote for it! :D It would be of great help to me... Follow me on Wattpad too for more great stories to come! Im gonna post lots of stories! ^_^

Please also like and vote for my other stories too... They are:

- Hana's Dark High School Days


- Paranormal Experiences

        I know you're eager to read this story now! So I wont disturb anymore and I'll get to typing right now... Thanks for bearing with me, and sorry for holding you! ;D

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