Attack of the Hugs

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"Well that did go as expected." CC said to Jinxx.

"She did say she'd get it back one way or another."

"She didn't have to tickle my pits just to get the shirt." CC said, putting his hands under his armpits.

Scar laughed. Fully dressed now, she was blow drying her hair. "I told you Christian."

"You didn't have to make me say mercy. You already had the shirt back, but you continued to tickle me."

Scar giggles again. "It was funny to watch you laugh so hard."

"You owe me a kiss." CC said as he sat down beside Ashley.

"I'll hold her down, you kiss her." Ashley said.

Scar aimed the hair dyer at them as if it were a revolver. "Touch me and I'll use this to mess up your hair."

Ashley stroked his hair, "She doesn't mean that. Don't be scared."

"FUCK!!! Fuck, fuck fuck!" Sapph screamed at the TV. "Scar, make him run faster"

"Give me the controller." Scar said, taking over Silent Hill for Sapph. "Run you bitch. NO! Don't go into the portal you idiot." As Scar's character died she put the controller down. "Oh, whatever!"

"You girls are such whimps." Andy said picking up the controller.

"Oh really?" Sapph asked.

"Yeah, watch me. I'll beat this part and then both of you will have to owe me."

"What will we owe you?" Scar asked, arms folded over her chest.

"Sapph, you'll we me a sandwich. Scar, you'll," he paused. "I'll figure that out afterwards."

"Alright, start the game then." Sapph said.

Andy began playing the game. As soon as the portal in Silent Hill came, Andy tried to run away. "Why the hell aren't you running? Can you not sense your life is in danger! NO! Why did all the doors close!" Andy started to press random buttons on the controller. "What is this fuckery! Open I say! Oh my God, WHAT IS THAT!?" He throws the controller at Scar. "You do it!"

Jinxx and CC almost fall in the floor laughing as Ashley tries to catch his breath.

"Oh I'm Andy, and I'm better at games than you girls." Sapph mimics Andy.

"Be careful or I will bite." Andy warns Sapph.

"I'm a masochist." Sapph says matter-of-factly.

"Get a room you two. No blood spilling on the couch or carpet here." Scar said before returning her attention back to the mirror to reapply makeup.

Jinxx let Scar play with her hair for the majority of the night, while everyone ate junk food and got hyped up on energy drinks. CC and Ashley painted Sapph's face and tried to paint Scar's, but she said only Jinxx was allowed to do it.

When asked why Scar said, "Because I don't want painted dicks on my face." Ashley pretended to be hurt.

Jake and Andy ate as much junk food as they could, Scar and Sapph believed they were having some sort of competition. And Sapph just went with the flow. Either she was playing Silent Hill, watching a movie, talking to Scar, or letting the guys paint her face.

Jinxx fell asleep against Scar's legs, Scar didn't want to wake him up and fell asleep sitting up on the couch. Sapph fell asleep watching a movie against Andy. CC and Ashley didn't sleep and Jake finally passed out on the floor.

Scar woke up the next morning with CC's smiling face right in front of her. "Look Alive Sunshine."

Scar poked his nose. "Good morning dragon breath."

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