Chapter 1.

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~~Kyla' s Point Of View.~~

"Mike is going to flip out when he notices we have crashed his party." I exclaim as Kassidy and I stumble up Mike's driveway, dodging all the empty bottles and cans littered around the small area. 

"Trust me Kye, I know how to charm my big bro, he won't mind." Kassidy reassures me with a cheeky smirk.

I shake my head at her and we make our way up to the door as the thumping music from inside gets louder with each step we take. Kassidy and I look at each in excitement and I reach over to fluff up Kass's hair, giving it some more volume. 

"Ok, you're good to go babe, how about me?" I shout over the extremely loud music.

Kassidy looks me over intently and a grin spreads across her face. 

"You look fantastic! Now let's go have some fun!" Kass yells through a wicked grin before throwing open the front and walking inside, the blaring music welcoming us. 

I step through the front door and I am hit by a wave of loud, jumbled conversations and the familiar smell of beer and smoke. Kassidy grabs onto my arm and pulls me through the massive crowd of people, an everlasting grin stuck on her face. The song 'Mr. Saxobeat' blares through the speakers and Kassidy squeals in delight. 

"Oh my god Kyla!" she yells above the music and turns to face me.

I laugh at her and I nod enthusiastically. She laughs with me before she turns back around and leads us through the sea of people towards Mike's kitchen. There are less people in here and it is way less stuffy. I let out a breath and walk towards the shut window above the sink. I wrench it open and breath out a sigh of relief as the fresh rolls in, making it easier to breathe. 

"I don't remember you and Kassidy being invited to this party Ms. Stewart." a well-known voice says from beside me. 

A smirk spreads across my mouth and I turn to face Mike's roommate, Luke, as he leans against the bench casually with his arms folded across his chest. 

"Yeah, well, being related to one of the host's should mean something." I reply, trying not to notice the way his tight fitting shirt shows off his magnificent abdominal muscles.

"Related? Hey I know you have some secret crush on me, but let's not go too far honey." Luke teases, looking down at me with a sparkle of amusement in his eye. 

I role my eyes at him and slap him lightly on the arm. The idiot seems to think I have some stupid, secret crush on him, which I don't. It would just be too weird having a crush on my cousin's roommate, plus, Mike would never let anything go on between us, he is super over protective when it comes to me and Kassidy.

"Don't be a jerk, you know I'm talking about Mike you dick." I say through a fake stern tone.

Luke chuckles at me and Kassidy wanders over to us, shaking her head at Luke. 

"No one in there right mind would want to have a crush on you Luke. I mean, come on, have you met you? You are a dead set pig." Kass interjects while handing me a cup of un-known liquid. 

Luke burps loudly and I turn my nose up at him in distaste. "See? You are a bloody pig Luke, you just proved our point nicely." 

"Whatever." Luke says with a grin, and then continues, "Is that alcohol Ms. Ave?" 

Kassidy rolls her eyes at Luke and ignores him completely. "Come on Kye, let's go mingle, I'm pretty sure I saw a group of hot guys out there." Kass says enthusiastically before latching on to my arm again. 

"What, you have a perfectly hot guy standing right here!" Luke yells out as we walk out of the kitchen. 

"Can't argue with that Luke, but flirting with you would just be totally freaky!" I call out to him before we leave the room. 

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