Chapter 3

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"So, what do you suggest we do now?"

"I honestly have no clue. It's too early to think."

"That's what you always say, Kristy."

"Only because it's true, Xavier."

It has been an hour since I'd found Xavier and so far, our little brain storm has had no progress whatsoever-not even the slightest hint. However, it's not because we have no idea of what to do. We do, it's just whether or not we have the guts to take action; to face the new outside world. It's like as if we were newborn babies all over again-all innocent and free from problems.

I hopped off the bed and sighed. "Come on. Let's go."

"Don't you want to wait for the nurse to come back with more food?" Xavier asked, placing a hand over his belly. 'I have to admit, those biscuits were tasty.' I thought to myself. However, we couldn't just coop here forever. It's not the zombie apocalypse just yet.

"We need to move now. We might still have a chance to catch Sye hyun. Maybe she'll have an idea of what's going on."

Xavier stared at me for a short while, his eyes brimming with what seemed like disappointment? Strange... "Okay," he said, pushing himself off the bed. "Where do we start?"

Once the third period bell rang, Xavier and I slipped into the crowd, our heads bent and our footsteps as synchronised as possible. There was the familiar pushing and shoving around but strangely enough, i still feel as claustrophobic and panicky as a freshman on his or her first day of school. 'If i were Sye hyun, where would i be? What lesson do i have now?' I tried to conjure up a picture of Sye hyun's time table or any single inkling of what she could be doing. Finally, my head snapped up. "To Free Seniors."

"You sure that's where she'll be?" Xavier asked.

"I've never been so sure in my entire life."

Free Seniors is basically an extra classroom where all of us hang out during a free period. At first, it was only meant for the graduating seniors but over the years, the rules have been changed and now everyone is allowed in there. The student council decided to keep the old name though as a sort of symbol of the memories that everyone has had in that room. It's sort of like our school's very own time capsule.

Xavier and i slipped into the room and stood apart, scanning the surroundings. However, with all the fun that's going on, it was hard not to get distracted. Especially when apparently, you're some mega social figure that's constantly under watchful eyes. It took a while before i finally saw her. Or them.

"Jackpot," i mumbled to myself. "Xavier, look."

He quickly followed my gaze before he headed over to them without missing a beat. They struck up some small talk before i took the chance to come over. "Sye hyun!"

Her reaction, although it was interesting as always, wasn't something i had in mind.

"Huh? M-me?" Her gaze flickered everywhere but refused to focus on me. Her confidence was at bare minimum and she looked particularly antsy. However, it was her answer that had put me off.

"No, it's me, Kristy. Your best friend!" This time, i'd definitely caught her attention.

"My best friend is Hannah. Xavier, what are you even doing with her?" She hissed at the last part. 'What?' I thought to myself.

This didn't make any sense! How could she not recognise me? I knew her since our diaper days and yet now, everything felt as if it'd been flushed down the drain. Frustration erupted inside of me and the longer the silence, the more i just wanted to pull my hair out and scream. But i didn't. Instead, i turned to leave, hot tears streaming down my face.

As soon as i'd gotten out of school, i began to break down. My sobs had become louder and with every hiccup, my heart broke and my mind spun even more out of control. 'This is crazy! This is all crazy! They're crazy! I'm crazy! We're all one fuxking happy dandy crazy family!' My inner voice shrieked.

I ran my fingers through my hair and narrowed in on the nearest surface: the brick wall of our school and began to take out my anger and sadness on it. I punched, kicked, scream and punched some more until my knuckles bled, my sneakers were scuffed, my eyes were sore and my throat was hoarse. However, i still went on anyway, even if my body protested for me to stop.

"Kristy! Stop it! Jesus Christ man, what are you thinking? " Xavier lunged towards me and grabbed both of my hands, pulling me away from the wall. "Are you insane? Kristy!"

"I might as well be," i mumbled, watching a drop of blood trickle down my fingers and onto his. "I'm scared."

"And do you think i'm not?! I'm scared too but you don't see me punching walls like a psychopath!"

"But what if i am a psychopath?! A schizophrenic huh? Does it even matter to anyone? No one fuxking cares, Xavier!"

"I care! I fuxking care a lot more than you think Kristy!" His grip on my hands tightened like a vice and i winced a little, flinching away from him. His snarl looked so much like hers... Xavier's expression instantly softened and he dropped my hands, backing away slowly.

"I-i'm sorry... It's just that you... hurting yourself like that... hurts me." He said, pausing to take a breath. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, i guess we're both just feeling a little stressed right now," i replied.

"A little?"

"Okay... maybe a lot of stress."

"Good to know."

Xavier sighed and brought my hand closer to his face to get a better look. He lightly grazed my knuckles and i hissed softly. "Please don't hurt yourself ever again," he pleaded nervously. "I-i can't bear to see you hurt."

My tongue was tied at the moment and all i could muster was a nod. However, actions do speak louder than words and i made sure that that nod was filled with sincerity. A ghost of a smile appeared on Xavier's lips. A fluttery feeling began to tickle my stomach.

What this fluttery feeling was, i have no clue and i rather not find out.

A/N i apologise for the lack of updates recently. Things haven't been going so well for me and exams are coming up. But i will continue to update now so thanks for your patience:) love fel

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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