Chapter 2 - A Disturbance in the Force

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            "Droids, incoming!" Tamryn shouted, pointing down the hallway.

            Blaster fire sounded and hit the doorframe to the cell and the wall at the end of the hallway, causing multiple troopers to duck instinctively before returning fire.

            "Blast it! The droids made their way down here! Carver!" Rex turned to his brother, "Take care of her. We'll handle the droids!"

            "Yes, sir!" Carver responded, "Stay safe, Captain."

            Rex charged up the stairs and out of the cell and saw the hallway filled with droids, clones, and fire from blasters. Rex gave off two shots and hit two droids, each shot taking down, or at least hitting, a droid every single time. Each of Rex's brothers kept firing but the sheer amount of droids started to push the men back, having them take cover in the small alcoves along the wall. Rex and Tamryn ended up back-to-back.

            "What the hell is going on here?" Tamryn asked, "I know the droids were coming to support the ship but there is no reason for them to be down here."

            "Well," Rex grunted as he ducked to avoid a blaster shot, "I can only think of one reason for that." Rex nodded toward the open cell down across from them.

            "The girl?" Tamryn sent off a few rounds, mowing down a few more droids before ducking back.

            "Maybe," Rex said.

            "Rex!" Carver called out, "I'm losing her! We have to get her out of her now!"

            "Don't engage," Rex shouted back, "The zone is hot." Another shot hit the wall next to his head. "I repeat, the zone is hot—" Rex turned to Tamryn, "—We have to take these droids down now. Scrap them!"

            All at once, all the clones pushed off the wall and began firing into the droids, not with any aim, but with the pure intent to decimate those droids. Rex fell into a kind of trance, not really thinking, the only thing registering is the feel of his fingers pulling the triggers, the sound of his blasters firing, and the slight recoil with each shot. This often happened to Rex in a fire fight, that feeling of tranquility. War felt comfortable to him, not surprising seeing as this is what he was born for, but it didn't stop that feeling from coming over him every time he pulled a trigger.

            Soon the entire hallway was littered with droid parts and discarded blasters. Rex looked around and did a quick head count to see who they lost but to Rex's relief all were accounted for.

            "Tamryn," Rex called over the trooper, "Take charge."

            "You got it, Captain."

            Rex nodded and made his way back to where Carver was desperately trying to keep this girl alive. He had taken off his helmet, and Rex saw his face was pale and anxious.

            "How is she?" Rex asked, taking off his helmet as well.

            Carver shook his head but kept his eyes on his work. "She's fading but if we leave now, there is a chance that we could save her. I'm doing my best," he sighed.

            Rex nodded. "Understood Carver. Just make sure she is able to be moved."

            "Yes, sir."

            "Rex?" Rex heard General Skywalker's voice behind him. "What's going on?"

            Standing up Rex saw both Kenobi and Skywalker along with General Secura, and Tamryn standing behind them. "You were right, sir," Rex paused to collect himself before continuing, "There was something down here, or at least... I mean... someone." Rex stepped sideways to let them through. When the three Jedi saw the young girl their faces went slack with shock, and Rex notice Kenobi's hands curl into fists at his side. Secura's eyes went wide, and she made a slight choking sound.

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