Chapter 3

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“Perhaps too much of anything is as bad as too little..” ~Edna Ferber

Gabriela’s POV:

    I woke up with a start to a bright flash. I took a deep breath and hunched backwards and deeper into my pillow. I heard something like a groan and snickers all around. There was something tickling my nose and brushing against my cheek. I opened my eyes and blinked as I was staring up at Morgan’s camera phone. I held up a hand and realized there was an arm around me.


    I flipped out, pushing myself out of the seat and pulling out my lighter, hand on the wheel as it make a clicking sound I was so used too. There were people all around me and it took me a second to screw my mind on straight. Holding my lighter out still, I restated the facts quietly out loud.

    “I am on a jet, headed to Houston Texas to work on the case of 3 murders with the BAU. I am working for the FBI to get my charges of assault, theft, trespassing and damage of property due to fire. I have to go help you all, and fully cooperate or I will be back in prison with my gang members for 47 years to life, due to the problems I have arisen. Agents Hotch, Morgan, Rossie, JJ, Blake and Reid are here, and Penelope is back at the FBI’s headquarters in Washington, DC.” I mumbled on, incoherently as I stared at my lighter. “Jeremy was one of the officers who brought me here, he thinks I did something horrible, but I didn’t, I just don’t want him to know…” I shook my head as a flame peeked its way through the metal gaps of the lighters mouth. “My mother left me and my father was arrested. I was put into foster care for years, and then Isaac hurt me..” I trembled, vomiting up word after precious word. “Jeremy is having an affair. He removes his wedding ring on Fridays and puts it back on on Mondays.” I stared at the lips of the lighter, flame dancing contently. I didn’t notice the horrified looks filling my co-workers faces. “You guys know my IQ, but Isaac did too. He said he would find me. He would kill me. His eyes said it too when he bleed out on the floor when you shot him..”

    Derek Morgan grabbed my wrist and twisted it quickly as I kept blubbering. The lighter flew and the flame went out. My focus came back to my team and Reid stared at me, hurt and confusion danced on his face. I looked at Derek and smiled slightly.

    “Sorry.. I got confused again..” I shook my head, clearing the cobwebs from my mind and walked over to my bag. I picked it up as the pilot directed us the descent that would begin shortly.

    Agent Rossie smiled at me slightly, before buckling his seatbelt. “So… Said you were a pyromaniac.. Don’t believe it. Not one bit.” He joked, shaking his head from the sarcasm. Everyone else had calmed considerably and I was burning from embarrassment.

    “You should though Rossie.” Spencer cut in, eager to prove his theory. “Her pupils shrunk when she saw the fire, inviting her into a type of trance, most common to olden day military training rituals.” He paused and met the eyes of everyone on the team, and mine hissed with betrayal. Slight recognition played on his features before he turned away and continued. “She mumbled out her story, almost with no control, her mind knew we were there, just refused to process the information. The second the fire went out, her pupils dilated to their natural size and she seemed to come back to her senses.” He paused and looked at me, eyes glowing with the idea his thesis was correct. “This is known as hypnical pyromania. Often seen in fire walkers, rarely in pyromaniacs, but if there is past trauma it may appear. Most doctors will prescribe medication for it.”

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