She's The Last One. Ever.

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Being the only girl among a bunch of guys has made me realize that I'm not really interested in guys in a romantic way. Still, I'm more of a tomboy anyway, so I actually fit in pretty well, since I have short hair and I like to wear the same sort of clothes as the other Gladers. When the Box came a day or two after Alby was killed by a Griever, everyone in the Glade was confused, because the Box only comes once a month. I was up near the front of the crowd, since I was the third-longest resident of the Glade, behind Newt and Alby. He leapt into the Box, then looked up at me. "It's a girl," he said. "She's got a note on her shirt," I mentioned, and Newt picked it up. ""She's the last one. Ever."" He read. "What's that supposed to mean?" One of the other Gladers, whose name I didn't know, asked. "I'm not sure," Newt replied. "Me neither," I said, then the newcomer, who had been unconscious, suddenly woke up. "Thomas..." she said before falling unconscious once again. Newt and I looked over at the newest Glader besides the girl who came up in the Box. He swore up and down that he had no idea who she was, but Newt didn't exactly believe him. He had me grab the girl's legs while he picked her up under her arms, and we carried her to a bed.

Once Newt and I were alone, he gave me the look that meant that he wanted to talk. "How are you doing, Lotus? With the whole thing with the new girl," he said. "I'm fine," I replied tersely, not happy with him for asking. "I just thought, with the new Greenie being another girl and all, you might feel differently than the other times," he said. "It doesn't matter to me. Just because there hasn't been another girl that came up in the Box since I did, that doesn't mean that I feel any different," I said in annoyance, but I felt like I wasn't being honest. I think Newt could tell, too, because he gave me a curious look. "Are you sure? I know that you're not interested in us guys, and I could see the way you were looking at the Greenie earlier. I've seen a few of the others looking at pictures that had come with them of girls, and it was pretty similar to how you were looking at the Greenie," he said. "Yeah, you're right. I don't really know how I feel about her," I said. "You're a smart girl, Lotus. You'll figure it out as you get to know her, I bet," Newt said with a smile, then we went to bed for the night.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of raised voices, so I went outside to investigate. I found several of the guys being pelted with small rocks, and Newt was standing nearby. "What's going on?" I asked, walking up beside him. "The Greenie is throwing rocks at us and refusing to come down from the tree fort. The only thing that we could get out of her was her name, Teresa," Newt said, and I suddenly felt like I had been taken somewhere else. I was in a room with a bunch of screens displaying various information. I saw a woman with red hair dressed in all white, Thomas on my left, giving me a smile, and Teresa on my right, giving Thomas a dirty look. Then, I was back in the Glade, and I tuned to Newt. "Let me talk to her," I said. "What? Are you crazy?" Newt asked me under his breath. "No, I'm not crazy," I said, walking over to the ladder leading up to the tree fort. "Teresa? My name's Lotus, I'm coming up to talk to you," I said before touching the ladder. I looked up and saw her face looking down at me, then she nodded and vanished. I climbed up the ladder to join her, and when I turned to face her, she had a wicked-looking knife pointed at me. "Woah. Calm down," I said in a nonthreatening tone. Without taking her eyes off of me, she put the knife in one of her pockets, then stood up.

"Do you remember anything from before you arrived in the Glade?" I asked her. "Well, besides my name, I remember this woman in white, and she kept saying something, and I'm trying to remember what it was," she said, and a phrase suddenly popped into my head. "WCKD is good," I said in a deadpan voice. "That's what the woman kept telling me!" Teresa exclaimed in recognition. "I saw something before I came up to talk to you. We were in some kind of room with a ton of screens with various information on them. The woman in white was there, you were there, and Thomas was there. Thomas was smiling at me, and you were giving him a dirty look," I said. "Strange. I don't recall having a reason to be giving him a dirty look," she said. "So, how about you and I head back to the other Gladers?" I asked. "Okay," she said, following me down the ladder and rejoining the others.

I spent a lot of time around Teresa, getting to know her better. I talked to her about some dreams that I had in the days since Thomas arrived, but before she did. For example, I had several different dreams about the woman in white, including one where she popped in very briefly, said that her name was Ava Paige, and then vanished. There was another dream where she was saying the phrase "WCKD is good" over and over. I also remembered one dream where I saw the WCKD logo, which revealed that it was an acronym for World Catastrophe Killzone Department. "What does that mean, "Killzone?" I'm confused," Teresa said. "So am I. I don't get what it's supposed to mean either," I replied. That night, strange things started happening in the Glade, things that none of us were prepared for.


So, this is my first Maze Runner fanfiction that I've written, so hopefully it's not too all over the place. Lotus is played by Emilia Clarke, based on the look in the picture below (basically just as a regular t-shirt and pants with a similar design as the outfit in the picture). It's almost like this picture is from The Maze Runner, now that I think about it, kind of like she's standing in front of the forest in the Glade. Until next time!

 Until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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