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"So umm, what's your name?" I ask the stranger, as he drinks.

"It's Roland." He says.

I couldn't help but stare at his forehead. The blood on it was fascinating.

"Is it bad?" Says Roland, grimacing as he likely noticed my stare.

"Yes, it's bad. What should be done about it? Like us as humans typically what do we do when we get injured?" I ask, sounding like an idiot, I know.

"Well, I guess I should clean it. May I use your bathroom?" He asks.

At that moment my roommates decide to return home, and I can hear them with my advanced hearing.

"Oh, umm. It really, doesn't look that bad! Would you like to just lie down?!" I say, hearing the sound of my roommates coming home suddenly, and trying to lead him to my coffin to rest/hide him in.

"I uhh, would actually really like to use the bathroom if that's okay. I just realized I have to go pretty badly." He says, shifting in place.

"Oh yeah. Of course! Just stay here for one sec I have to um, check something first!" I say, and stand and close the door to my bedroom. Then I go to get rid of my roommates.

Most vampires see blood and automatically go wild, but I'm vegan so I have more self-control.

My roommates however are not vegan, and if they see him their fangs will come out and they will drain as much blood as they can from him. Which is really rude, and I think would upset him, possibly terrifying him and cause him to hate us!

They are like mosquitos! I keep telling them that it's wrong what they do, but they just drink blood without asking all the time!! Though it's usually animal blood. I actually don't know if they've ever seen a human before either.

The thing is there is a bathroom just outside my room down the hall, but I had to sneak Roland past my roommates who'd recently come home in order to get him there.

"Heyy guys. You're home early! What've you been up to?" I ask them.

"We were hunting this human of all things. Then it caught on to us and started running, we caught it's trail, then we lost it!" says Fabian, one of my roommates.

"What?! A human, in this part of the forest!?" I say, surprised.

Oh my god!! Did they mean Roland? Or like did Roland like have human friends with him or something? Oh no...

"Yeah, he must've gotten lost." Amaris, my other roommate says.

Then to my horror Roland comes down the steps!!!

"Hey I just really want to thank you, sorry I didn't catch your name, but I kinda can't wait I really gotta use the bathroom. You mind telling me where it is?" He says.


"Dear, god who the hell is he?!"Amaris says, offended that there is someone that they didn't authorize in the house.

At first they couldn't tell he was human. They just noticed he was there, and his clothes were all torn and covered with dirt, not to mention they were very strange and vibrantly coloured.

Then my friend Fabian smelt blood which activated his fangs.

Then both my friends' eyes shone red.

"What the fuck?!" Says Roland, looking startled.

"HuMAn!!" They say in unison, in a creepy tone, with their eyes locked on him.

"Wait!" I say, sprinting over to Roland and shielding him from my impolite roommates.

"Stop you imbicels! He is a Living Thing!!!" I shout.

"Ohh, my god! Don't tell me you have a human pet now." Says my friend Amaris, rolling her eyes and sighing loudly.

"Um, kinda!" I say, still shielding him.

"Callidora, you don't know anything about humans. Didn't you fail human studies?!" She says.

"Okay, so...I still have the text book. And I know they are vegetarians! He wouldn't hurt a fly! You guys are just savages!!" I say.

"I'm not a vegetarian actually." Says Roland, slightly raising his hand behind me.

"Shut up. I'm tryna save your life!" I say.

"Haha, Callidora did you even feed him?" They ask.

"Yeah! I gave him fruits and water!" I say.

"Anyway, we caught a deer. I guess he could have some a that." They say.

"OMG!! You'll let me keep him?!" I say.

"Keep me?" He asks.

"Uhh, yeah. You're my pet. I kinda always wanted a pet human!" I say, excitedly.

"Umm, where's the bathroom?" He asks.

"Perfect!! He's already house broken!" I say, then notice his little dance shuffle, and so I quickly point him to the bathroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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