Chapter 9

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   It's  been a couple of days since George has talked to Clay. The thing is, after that Clay disappeared. He didn't show up to any classes after that. He has missed the last couple of days as well.

   The table has felt empty. The others were always there but with Clay missing it felt unsafe with less people. Not only Clay is missing though, Azzy hasn't shown up at all either. George just hoped Clay took a good option.

    It's Friday today, George last talked to Clay around Tuesday. Where is he. George didn't know anymore. Since George didn't have any classes with Clay in the morning so he would have to see if he were here at lunch.

   Though it did not surprise George when he didn't see Clay at lunch either. George just hopes he didn't hurt Clays feelings or anything while talking to him. He sat there and listened as the others made conversation, just like any other day.

   "Where has Clay and Azzy been guys" Karl asked the table. This caught George's interest. But everybody shook there heads, nobody has heard from him.

Blah blah blah, George could only hear that. He was spaced out until Sapnap tapped on his shoulder. "You coming the party this weekend George?"  George was hesitant. The other time they invited him to a party he didn't except, he was too scared. But maybe it would help him take his mind off things.

  "I'll go" George said with a nod. He hopes he wouldn't regret this.

    George was walking back to his house at this point, he hasn't had the felling of butterflies leave his stomach ever since he agreed to go to the party. Not the good kind of butterfly's either. He has overthought everything. Anything could happen. That was something he didn't like, no knowing what could happen, having no control. He was terrified of change, and going to this party would push him.

   He got home and changed, he waiting for what felt like days but it was only a few hours. Sapnap said he would pick him up but a gut feeling hoped that Sapnap would forget.

  Lucky for him a car honked out in his driveway, showing that someone was here. Great. George took a look at himself in the mirror before going out. He was wearing a light blue sweater with straight styled jeans, the ends of his jeans were cuffed and to top it off was bright yellow converse. This was one of the first times he felt good though. When he looked at himself in the mirror he felt hot. Maybe this would to better than expected.

   When he walked outside bright headlight shined into his eyes making him put his hand up to block it out. He went to the passenger door, he was met with Quackity yelling Spanish at him excitedly.

   The ride to the house was loud singing and the wind blowing through George's hair as the windows were rolled down. He felt light, as much as he hated the thought of doing this before he couldn't help but be happy. He was trying something new. Maybe he could even meet someone while being there, he hoped so.

     They were pulling into a new neighborhood, much more richer looking. I mean the neighborhood George already lived in was real nice but this was rich nice. Big houses, fancy doors, even some had gates and fountains.

   "Uh were are we?" George asked weary, i mean this is a nice looking place but he was being taken to a whole new places and houses he had never seen before. He didn't even know how far away they had driven either.

  "Oh this is one of my online friends places, they lived a little ways away but not to far don't worry" Sapnap made sure to keep George calm. Sapnap basically knows how everyone works, including George. It's kind of scary.

  They pulled into a driveway, big and fancy with loads of cars already there. Lights were blaring and music was so loud you could hear it from outside. How have these people not gotten a noise complaint yet?

   Before George could take everything in everybody was already out the car. Shit. George rushed out, but Sapnap was waiting for him.

   "George just hang around us, we won't go too far okay, so don't worry. Also just let loose, have fun talk to people alright?" Sapnap was grabbing George lightly by the shoulders. George closed his eyes and breathed. Let's do this.

This was kind of short and rushed I'm very sorry, also if anything needs to be fixed in my writing (not spelling) I'll be willing to take any sorts of tips or suggestions! I hope you all have a good morning/evening/night :D



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