Chapter One

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 "WELL DONE, TOMMY." a woman said with a large smile on her face as she stared down at her one year old son. He was zooming around a broom that his father had gotten him a couple of days ago. It was good for a little toddler like Thomas, only going a foot or two above the ground so he wouldn't get injured. James was standing next to his wife, Lily, an arm wrapped around her waist as he grinned at his son. Thomas was not an only child, he had a twin brother named Harry. Harry looked exactly like his father with his mother's bright green eyes. Thomas didn't look like either of his parents, he had dark brown hair and bright bluish green eyes.

 James was happy, he had two beautiful baby boys, and a beautiful wife that he loved more than life itself. He laughed as Harry whined at his younger twin brother because he wanted a turn on the broom. Thomas got off smoothly, and waddled toward his brother and handed the small broom to him. Harry giggled and climbed on the broom and sped around on the broom. Lily picked Thomas up and placed him on her hip, Thomas buried his head into the crook of his mother's neck. Something he always did when he was tired or upset. Thomas was a mama's boy, and Harry was the opposite. There was a knock at the door that broke through the silence, and James took Thomas into his arms and Lily picked Harry up off the broom.

"I got it Lilyflower." James said. He walked over with his youngest son in his arms and opened up the door to be greeted by the face of Remus Lupin, one of James's best friends from school. Remus smiled at James, and the two friends enveloped each other into a hug. "Moony! What are you doing here, we weren't expecting you until next weekend." James said with a smile on his face.

"Sorry about that, James. I meant to send you an owl, but I forgot to let you know that Padfoot couldn't make it today. So he asked me to go instead." Remus replied, James nodded and stepped out of the way so Remus could step in the house. "How's little Loki doing?" Loki, was the nickname or Marauder's name that Thomas was given. They all saw Thomas as a troublemaker and he was one, and even as a little child Thomas wanted a picture book about Norse Mythology so it worked. Remus was Thomas's godfather, while Sirius was Harry's godfather.

"He's doing pretty well, you should have seen him on the broom, he's a natural. Definitely a chaser or seeker if I ever saw one. Harry would definitely be a seeker, when he's big enough." James answered with a proud smile on his face as he looked down at Thomas. The little toddler was tucked into the crook of his father's neck, the same thing that he did with his mother. James handed Thomas to Remus who held him close to his chest. Thomas tucked himself into his godfather's warmth and the boy's godfather smiled happily at his godson. "Come on in Moony, Lily's making dinner."

 Remus thanked James gratefully and stepped into the Potter cottage. Lily smiled when he saw Remus and threw his arms around him in greeting. The two had been friends long before James and Lily got married let alone dating. Remus was the one that comforted Lily when she had stopped being friends with one of her long-time friends because of what he had said to her. And Remus was there for her.

"Remus! It's so great to see you! How are you?" she asked with a bright smile on her face. Remus returned the hug with a smile on his face.

"Ello' Lily," Remus replied.

"Come sit down, Remus." Lily bid him. Remus smiled at her but shook his head no.

"Sorry Lils, but I have to head out early. Just wanted to stop by to make sure that you guys are ok. Sirius might come later tonight, but I'm not really sure." Remus answered, both of the other adults nodded. Sad that their friend was leaving but grateful that he was able to stop by and say hello. "I think this belongs to you." he said as he handed Thomas back to his parents who smiled and thanked him.

"See ya, Moony!"

"Bye, Prongs, Lils."

With the click of the door shutting they sat down and ate dinner, it was fairly simple but still quite delicious. Lily's famous onion soup and homemade bread. Lily was always good at cooking something that Thomas would take after when he was older. Thomas loved onion soup; it was his absolute favorite food ever. After dinner, James had started a fire in the fireplace and they cuddled up to each other. Thomas sitting in his mother's lap and Harry sitting in his father's lap. There was a crash outside the front and they both instantly knew what was happening.

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