Chapter 10

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"Hey you~" Sera said looking up and down at her prize. John really had little to no energy for anything, all he wanted to do was sleep. The only thing on his mind was sleep sleep and sleep.

He took off his clothes and threw it at a corner in his room. He had to practically drag himself to his bed and just fell face first on it.

John decided to scoot towards Sera and bury his head in her neck and wrap his arms around her waist, giving it a singular kiss. He took her cinnamon scent in and just stayed there without saying another word.

Sera took the hint that he was exhausted and just let him be. Although she was upset that he didn't do what he was going to say before his departure, she didn't mind moments like this.

She just played with Johns hair to ease him until he fell asleep in her arms. She noticed that he had eventually fell asleep, but she was not tired.

Sera had already taken a nap and woke up pretty late, so sleeping wasn't an option. Sera was just on her phone and went to her gallery to check out what photos she had.

She skimmed through it and saw the pictures she took of John sleeping at the hair salon. She took that opportunity as a reminder to take a photo of John right now, and did just that. She couldn't put on the flash in fear of waking him up, but she had enough moonlight going through the blinds to take the picture.

Sera took a couple photos and took a look at them. 'He looks so cute. I wish that we could always be like this.' The only thing she was thinking of right now was how nice it would be to actually make their relationship official.

Yeah they were messing around, but they still were single. She loved messing around with John, but if they were together it would feel different. Like he was hers and only hers. John could still technically get with someone else if he pleased to do so and Sera wouldn't be able to say anything.

She was just hoping that whatever was stopping him would pass away sooner rather than later. Sera never felt something like this and now that she knew this feeling, she loved it. It felt good knowing that someone cares for you so much and they would be willing to do just about anything for you.

Seraphina was pretty surprised that she would actually get feelings this strong, especially in such a short amount of time. Her Mother had already planned someone for her to date and end up marrying. She never really questioned her Mother and her choices.

Just the thought of her getting with someone else other than John as of right now felt so so wrong. It would make her feel like she was betraying him. At the end of the day, she never had any feelings to that guy or any guy in general, she just always listened to her mother and never asked any questions.

Now if she had told Sera that now, she would probably outrage thinking of John. At the end of the day, important decisions like that shouldn't be arranged. Ever.

The most crazy part to Sera was that John actually got through to her. Usually when anyone asked her to go out or do anything other than academics stuff, she would say no.

She remembered the time Arlo asked her out on a date. 'It makes me cringe thinking about that. I would never date someone like him. The way he said it was worse. It was something along the lines of King and Queen usually get together or something like that.'

With John though, she didn't say no. More like she couldn't say no, but that was besides the point. It just felt so natural when we went out for the first time.

From when they went to Woaba Boba to get their first drink together or when they went to the mall. It just felt... different. She was pulled by his energy like a magnet.

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