Part 6

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--- somewhere in the desert ---

"Chief Coyote, we gathered these treasures from a near by villages."

A muscular man hummed in satisfaction standing up from his sharp shark like sword.

"Good, put them here."

He pointed to a random place on the floor watching his men empty their bags on the said spot. When they were done they made tiny hill full of golden jewelry, coins and other things.

"That's all?"

"That's all we could find."

The smaller male squeaked out of himself with scared voice, trying to hide from his boss's anger by covering his face with his metal hand and hook.

"That's no excuse, I need more!"

"All the villages were plundered by your father before, most of their treasure was taken by him."

"There must be more."

Both males stopped to think, the smaller one after a while got an idea.

"But there's one village..."

"I'm listening."

--- (y/n)'s P.O.V. ---

After dinner and after small playtime it was time to tuck all kids to their beds. I sat near a table on a chair reading all children's favourite fairytale book.

"The princess sat on the balcony looking up to the sky asking herself when her brave knight would arrive and save her from the stone castle she called her prison."

"The dragon beast growled below the balcony at a new stranger in a shining armor."

I was cut off by fimiliar voice, Joaquin joined me. I was surprised at first but I smiled at him. He continued.

"The new knight challenged the dragon to fight him. The beast growled spitting fire from it's mouth trying to damage the brave man. After long seven nights and days the dragon fell to the ground defeated. Princess was saved by the knight and was returned to her parents, later the knight and princess got married and lived happily ever after. The end."

I closed the book and checked all children making sure they fell asleep. After I exited the children's bedroom I went to find Joaquin, after he was done telling the story he disappeared into thin air. I found him outside petting his horse.

"Joaquin! There you are."

I ran to him jumping into his slightly opened arms, that caught him off guard so we fell on the ground. I heard Joaquin's horse neigh like he was laughing at us. We both got up, cleaning our clothing first, then looked at each other. Joaquin let out a nervous chuckle which made me smile.

"Thank you for helping me with the kids."

"Yeah, that was nothing...but can I ask you something?"


"Will you...will you go out with me?"

--- Elsewhere ---

"Now this is getting interesting."

Said Xibalba with mischievous grin. He was alone on the roof of the orphanage watching the two human lovebirds. He knew if La Muerte caught him he will be in a big trouble but he knew about a danger that will come again at San Angel and he only wanted to help his forgotten champion to rise.
He watched the two humans say their goodbyes and followed Joaquin into town. Joaquin was now smiling like a goof and why? Because of a kiss on forehead from the girl he loved.
Xibalba turned into his human form awaiting for Joaquin to arrive near the alley he was hiding in. As the champion got close enough Xibalba started to talk.

"Long time no see, my champion."

Joaquin's eyes caught Xibalba's shadow first, it was in the darkest colour of black where his eyes should be two red skulls were staring at Joaquin, but only an old man came out of the alley. Joaquin immediately knew who it was.

"What do you want Xibalba?"

Asked Joaquin with strong voice.

"Only came back to give you this."

Xibalba tossed the medal of everlasting life at Joaquin. He only stared at his palm where the medal was sitting, he threw it back to Xibalba.

"Keep it, I don't need your magic."

Joaquin was angry at the god for making him remember the past, his past. Joaquin was getting ready to leave, but what Xibalba said made him stop.

"Even to protect your girl?"

Joaquin swiftly turned at him with angry expression.

"Leave her out of this!"

Xibalba was taken back by the sudden rage, but shook it off. He started circling around Joaquin like a predator surrounding it's prey. Joaquin was watching him closely in case he tried some tricks.

"Joaquin, Joaquin when will you learn? Gifts from gods can't be denied, take the medal, it will come in handy one day."

The God gave the medal back to Joaquin, he found himself staring at the medal again. He wanted to return it but Xibalba was already gone. He thought aboout it for a moment before shaking his head and hiding the medal in a pocket of his pants. Xibalba smiled as he watched Joaquin leave the alley.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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