You Know I'll Fight My Corner

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Present day: August 29, 2015

      I awake to the screeching sound of my phone's ringtone. I roll out of bed and check the caller ID. It's Jennifer. I decline the call before rolling back in bed.Yesterday wasn't a day I would like to remember, nor did I want to talk about it.

      Having a drink poured over your head in front of a crowd of over a hundred teenagers while standing next to your former best friend is not fun.Since I couldn't go back to sleep, I get up from bed and head downstairs to eat breakfast

.     "Mom?" I call out. My mom normally isn't home because she is always working. With her being a single parent and all, she's working hard to make ends meet. I became used to being alone, anyway. I enjoyed being alone. It's easier than being surrounded by people, trying to forge conversation-which I am very terrible at.

     I hike to the kitchen and take a bowl from out of the cabinet. I search for the cylinder container labeled with the words, 'quick oats' and pour in my bowl to microwave. While eating, my phone rang again.This time, it was a different number. A number I've never seen before. I hesitantly answer the phone.


     "Cameron!" Wailed the voice I didn't wish to hear at the moment.

     "What do you want, Jenn?" The sound of shuffling echoes from the other side of the phone.

     "I want you to not be mad at me," she sighs.

     "Well can you blame me? How could you not tell me we were at his girlfriend's party?" I exclaim.

     "We didn't think it was that big of a deal, I mean, you seem over him..." I did not want to endure this conversation.

     "I don't feel like having this conversation," I voice out loud.

     "I won't be okay until I know you're not mad at me anymore, Cam. Please don't be, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have brought you to the party! I should've listened to you when you told me you didn't want to go, I s-"

     I cut off her rant and tell her she's forgiven. That much was true. She is my best friend and I'm certain she didn't mean upset me. Seeing him brought back a lot of memories...


March 5, 2006, age eight

"Just hold on to the handles, Can," Grayson instructed. He was teaching me how to ride a bike. I had never learned how to because mom was too busy with work to teach me. My legs wobbled, my face masked with fright; I was going to fall.

"I won't let you go, Cameron, just keep looking forward," Grayson shouted. I did as I was told while Grayson kept pushing me. "You're doing great, "he told me. I laughed, nervously while pedaling.

"Okay, Gray, I think I'm done for the d-" I turned around to see Grayson wasn't there anymore. He was so far away! "Grayson! I thought you weren't going to let g- AHH!"

I slammed into a small pothole in the ground, flew off of the bike, falling to the ground! Grayson sprinted full speed toward me and grabbed my hand. I stood up, feeling pain. My red pigtails came undone, and I was pretty sure I had a few scars on my body.

"Oh gosh, Cameron. Your knee." I looked down to see my knee a bloody mess. "Ouch," I croaked as silent tears spilled down my face.

      "Here, lean on me," Grayson told me. Again, I did as I was instructed and together, we walked back to Grayson's house for me to get bandaged. I groaned as the tears ceased to fall. He was always there for me. My hero... 

       My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. I got up from my spot and threw away my half eaten oatmeal.

      "Coming!" I shout and run to the door. Little did I know who would and be and, oh how I wish I didn't answer it.

"Hello, Cameron."


      "What are you doing here, Grayson?" I exhale. His face was the last I wanted to see. He rests on the wooden door post, his trek from my head to toe. I was wearing my favorite jumper with small pictures of dancing monkeys on paired with its matching bottoms. Also, my hair spread a violent mess.

"Nice PJ's," he comments.

I roll my eyes, "I know. You didn't answer my question. What the hell are you doing here?" I demand, getting more irritated.

       He raised a hand to his neck and began scratching, a habit I noticed he did whenever he was feeling nervous.

"I- I just came to see how you were feeling," He mutters.

     "Well, you haven't paid me a visit since you opted out of my life and decided I was no longer your friend- wait, no longer your best friend," I spat.

      My tone didn't appear to affect him as he stood there with a smirk plastered on his face. 

     "What the fück are you smiling at?"

      "You," he chuckles, nervously. "You have oatmeal on your shirt"

     "I'm wasting my time on you," I go to close the door on him, but he stops it with his foot. 

     "Whoa there, tiger" he breathes.


     "You know what your hair makes you look like?" Grayson asked.

     "What," I replied.

     "A tiger." I giggled at his answer while he grabbed my hand and played with my fingers. "You're my tiger."

    My heart soared at those words. 

   "I know," I smiled. I then tapped his shoulder.

   "You're it", I hollered...


       "D-don't call me that," I bark.

       "Okay, okay," he puts his hands up in defense, his smile dropping. "I came here to apologize for yesterday. Denise didn't mean to do that; she was just drunk."

     "Yeah, whatever. I don't care, apology accepted. Get away from my house, now," I kick his foot and slam the door in his face. I close my eyes and lay my head against it. I will not cry over him again. I hate the effect he has still on me. Some days, I want to run into his arms and stay there. Others, I want to punch repeatedly him for all the pain he has caused me.

Opening my eyes, I rush up to my room and grab my black tank, shorts and boxing gloves. It's time to fight all my feelings- before they win the match.

A/N: Picture of Grayson in the description ;). Hope you enjoyed.

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