Chapter Two

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When I walk downstairs I hear the boys say random things like " Com on T-Rex show Em what you got" I just on the couch reading some old articles on the newspapers. Then the sound of broken glass made the boys jump but continued to keep playing because they know who it is. Hanna comes down with her book in one hand and her other rubbing her eye, I shooed her away knowing who it is. She sighs of boredom and walks back upstairs. "Aaauuughhh" moaned the voice that came outside. I sighed, I tried to keep my focus on the newspaper article even though I read it like 10 times. Then banging started happening at the door, The boys were about to get up to get the door but I shooed them away back in the kitchen. I let a big sigh escape and got up.

I open the door and what stood (technically leaning) there was a middle age man who was bald. That had ripped tuxedo, on one hand he had a beer bottle and the other was rubbing his badly shaved chin and surrounded by broken beer glass and Totally drunk man was there. "Hello Uncle Harry" I say slowly and sadly. I know what your thinking "How could HE be my uncle??" Believe it or not he was actually a nice guy, he was my mom's brother and supposedly his "Good luck charm" after she got lost he lost his job and every time in a job interview he always ends up fighting someone, he also started drinking more often and you guess it, he fights for often. I actually feel bad for the poor guy.

"Hello you ugly hag!" he says while pitifully slaps me and pushes me to get inside. Did I mention he hates me and Hanna, I don't know but he does and he loves the boys, maybe they remind him of mom more than me or Hanna. I shrug it off and went back in closing the door behind me. He plops down on the old unstable couch and starts reading an old sports column. I see the boys peek in to see if the person outside was the person they thought it was, they nodded and walked in and said "Uncle Harry!!" they say with their cheeky smiles, Oh I love their cheeky smiles, and plop on his lap.making the couch creak . I turn to the stairs, I see Hanna walking slowly when she sees Harry, she quickly tiptoes back upstairs, I can't blame her I would do the same thing.

"Oh hoho boys!" he says with a weak smile. "Did you get the job Uncle Harry?" asked Marvel. Harry sighed and said "No not this time kiddo" he says sadly.and took a sip of his beer . It was silent for a minute but what broke the silence was the key jambing in the door, Aunt Grace was back. "I'm back" she says. She gives Harry a dirty stare and puts her worn out purse on the old rusty hanger. " I bought some snickerdoodles " she says walking to the kitchen. The boys look at each other and said "COOKIES!!!" and they ran off into the kitchen and I follow them behind. " How'd you get enough money to for cookies?" I ask. "I compromise with the Baker" she said. I nodded and said "I'll get Hanna" I say while taking a cookie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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