Hello, My Name Is Andrew

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Fade in to Tex overlooking the Reds

Tex: See? They're down there, messing with the radio.

Church: Oh, so that's what they're doin'.

Tex: Yeah. They must be plotting something.

Church: Or, maybe they're just listening to the radio.

Tex: I know plotting when I see it. That's plotting.

Church: Ya well one of them is still our son.

Tex: But they can still be plotting.

Tucker: Maybe they're scheming.

Tex: No scheming looks different. That's definitely plotting. They're gonna try something.

Will: How dose scheming look.

Tex: They'd be in a circle whispering.

Tucker: Why? I already told them Red and Blue are the same, it's all a conspiracy.

Will: Here we go again.

Church: And I told you that's not true. Vic just made it up to confuse us.

Tucker: That just means he's part of the conspiracy.

Church: But he's the one that told you Red and Blue are the same.

Tucker: Exactly.

Will: Vic is an idiot and I don't take much of what he says as true.

Church: Wait are, are you talking about a conspiracy that Red and Blue are the same, or a conspiracy that Red and Blue are different?

Tucker: Exactly.

Church: You just keep saying exactly, do you have a theory or don't you?

Tex: Look, I don't care about Red, or Blue. All I know, is that those guys are up to something down there.

Tucker: Maybe they're planning to use the radio to beam secret messages to the fillings in my teeth.

Will: Tucker shut up.

Church: Secret messages about what!?

Tucker: Exactly.

Caboose: They are probably trying to tune in to the distress signal they heard on the radio.

Will: Wait what.

Church: What makes you say that?

Caboose: Oh, I know all the details. They were in their car, the Boss Hogg, when Simmin, heard a distress signal, on, the radio, and Gruff was in the back seat. With a monkey.

Will: That's not how you say there names.

Tucker: Hmm, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that some of that is wrong.

Church: How do you know all this Caboose?

Caboose: Andy told me.

Will: Who.

Church: Andy, who's Andy? Are you, are you Andy?

Tucker: I'm not Andy, I'm Tucker.

Will: I am not Andy!

Church: No, I know, what's your first name?

Tucker: Lavernius.

Church: Lavernius, well then who's this Andy g- wait a second... are you black?

Red vs blue season 3 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now