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when I woke up the next day, it's not morning anymore. around noon, I became restless and finally left my bed. after using the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face thoroughly, I went to the kitchen for something to eat. Bella and Charlie were both sitting at the little dining room table together by the window, talking.

"hey," my dad said after a sip from his mug. "have fun last night?"

I nodded. "yeah."

I smiled to myself, pouring some cheerios into a mug, dry. I sprinkled a little cinnamon into it.

"what are you smiling about?" Bella said, smirking. "did Jacob finally ask you out?"

I rolled my eyes. "no," I mumbled. "I don't think he even likes me like that."

my dad chortled and cleared his throat, pretending like he didn't laugh. "honey, he's a boy with eyes. of course he likes you."

"I don't know. his hairs too long," I said with a shrug. I joined them at the table. this is probably the most conversation they've gotten out of me in weeks. I'd let them have it.

"is that all?" Bella asked, raising an eyebrow. 

I shrugged again, taking a spoonful of cereal. 

dad asked to take us out for the day, like a family. we drove around together to revisit some of the places we went when we were younger. our favorite park, the waterfall, the mall, sam's pizza, and the arcade. by the time we got home, dad was exhausted and took a nap on the couch in front of a football game. 

"I was gonna go to Edwards tonight," Bella said, unsure. "but I don't want to leave you with nothing to do..."

"it's fine," I said with a nod. "I could do some homework or something."

"do you... wanna come over? you could meet his siblings, his dad, Carlisle. they're all really nice. we mostly just watch movies or play board games..." she said slowly, trying to find something to bait me with, probably so Edward could force his dad to find me fork's best psych or something like that. 

"uh, I don't know..." I said, trying to find some good excuse.

"they have a game cube..."

Edwards house was bigger than any house I'd ever seen in forks. I guess they needed a big house for the size of their family, though.

I soberly, cautiously walked through the front door with Bella and was met by Edward and a beautiful girl I recognized from school. she had short, dark hair and looked as if she walked out of Alice in wonderland. I really got a kick out of her name being Alice. 

we all went to a large family room where there were big comfortable seats and a couch surrounding a grand TV with cabinets of movies, games and systems. I was kind of in heaven.

"Bella says you're a Mario party fan," Edward said, watching me eye the games in the cabinet. "we can play, if you'd like."

I nodded enthusiastically. when he asked me to pick one out, I chose the fifth one and handed it to him. 

"where's everyone else?" I asked, settling into the couch next to Bella. she looked so thin. I wanted to punch her in the head. 

Edward gave me a funny look, like he knew what I was saying but thought it was strange or humorous. "um, well my mom and sister went out to get some groceries, and the others are catching a movie," he said, moving some stuff around, plugging the system in and starting it up. Alice sat perched on one of the arm chairs, looking out of place and tiny. she eyed me up and down, but not in a perverted or threatening way.

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