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"When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world."

"Όταν αλλάζετε τις σκέψεις σας, θυμηθείτε να αλλάζετε και τον κόσμο σας".



'May I see" Persephone called out to the three Kings, her voice more relaxed than ever before.


Persephone walk closer to the group, but she was cautious when approaching them as she could see that they were mated.  She could see the slightly vulnerable look that held itself in Caius eyes. It seemed that Marcus was the first to react to the question that slipped from Persephone's lips. 

Upon approaching Persephone, Marcus was stopped by two of her guards. With a wave of her hand Marcus stood alone once again, and continued his path towards Persephone.

Persephone grabbed ahold of his hand, the moment she did so the images of beautiful bonds were brought to life in front of her eyes. Golden strings connecting her to the three kings, glowed to life before her very own eyes. Memorised is the word to describe the emotion Persephone felt at this moment in time.

"Είναι όμορφο" (It's beautiful). Adoration shone in the Queen's eyes, which created an effect of happiness inside each king.

"It is indeed Amore" (Love) The dark haired king which hand the queen was holding answered. The other two kings made a noise of agreement as they unnoticeably made their way closer.

"We should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue, don't you agree". Switching back to English Persephone aired the question. The three kings hummed in agreement.


The Kings decided to take their new mate to their private jet to finish this conversation as it is more private and away from praying ears. As they stood and watched as their queen looked around with the expression of a curious child they were in adoration. 

The only thing that broke the blissful silence was her whispers; "è bello" (it is beautiful). 

"Just like you then dolcezza" (Sweetheart) spoke Aro as he walked up to her and led her to sit down on one of the plush chairs that were arranged in a circle all facing each other with a small glass table in the centre. The other two kings, Marcus and Caius, took their seats as well. Caius, was sat on the single chair closest to the windows with one of his legs resting on his other knee, Aro and Marcus were sat next to each other, with Aros head resting on Marcus's shoulder. Each of them looked relaxed and content within the moment. Persephone was sat a little further away from the three kings, she sat with her back to the rear of the plane facing to door, she was less relaxed than the kings with a slight tensed posture as she continually scanned the plane with her eyes, as if she was looking for something in particular. The Kings watched as she did this, just waiting for her to speak.

"I am guessing that you were not expecting something like that to happen then were you?"  The young looking women finally spoke as she settled to look at the kings individually. It was Aro's turn to speak this time. "No we were not expecting that, but what a lovely surprise it was Amore" (Love)  They all hummed in agreement to what Aro said. 

Persephone was very comfortable with returning to Volterra with the Kings at this very moment and would settle everything once they arrived at the Volturi castle. So of the entire flight to Florence the three kings and the queen spoke and got to know each other better. Persephone began to relax and the kings noticed and very happy that she was already becoming comfortable in their presence. They even found her laugh to be sweet and melodic; and she was just so happy and relaxed. It was very nice to see, as she rarely ever smiled or laughed like this, so freely. The four enjoyed themselves tremendously as they talked.

Marcus looked over to Aro and Caius with a smile as he watched them talk to Persephone. He couldn't help but think how beautiful they were together; both with their own personalities, yet they complement one another beautifully. He leaned down and kissed the top of Aros he "You're so beautiful, amore mio" (my love) Aro blushed as he listened to Marcus speak the two shared an innocent kiss. As Marcus sat back up he looked to Persephone and Caius again and thought to himself that he could never tire of watching them. 


Sorry  I  haven't posted in a while, i've been dealing with a lot of stuff at the moment but i will try to update more often, but no promises. I won't abandon this story that is something I can promise.

Sorry this chapter isn't as long as the others are normally

Also if you guys have any ideas or suggesting to what i could do in the story then do reach out because I would love to hear them. They are always helpful.

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