Welcome to the World, Riolu!

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The sun once again smiled upon Sinnoh on a cold winter morning, and Iron Island's populace seemed none the wiser, with its more inhabited areas sound asleep. Tourists hid away from the cold in slumber, and workers stocking and moving inventory were the lone inhabitants of the otherwise quiet industrial sector. That was, aside from just one hardy individual and his companions.

"C'mon... It's gotta get here soon." Ash complained, impatiently shuffling about the pier. Pikachu had left his shoulder, growing dizzy with all of Ash's pacing, and he sat along with Bulbasaur, Wartortle, and Charizard, who had accompanied their trainer on his sneaky little errand. "I've just about had it with snacking' on nuts and berries, by now." Even if it was enough to get by, complaints from his stomach still occasionally pestered Ash. Traveling with Brock had definitely spoiled him.

"Pika..." The mouse agreed. Though that was very much a natural diet for him, he missed the quality cooking he'd grown so accustomed to. Though, his ears soon perked up. "Pikapi!" He pointed towards the horizon. The latest ship from Canalave had climbed into view, growing larger by the moment as it neared the isle's shores.

Ash couldn't stop a gleeful smile from spreading as he recognized the incoming freight. "Alright! They made it!" Pumping a fist in the air, Ash cheered. Had the area been more crowded, he certainly would have made a scene. At this point, though, he could hardly care about that. His stomach mattered more than a little embarrassment. And, of course, his teammates did, too. Riley did provide Poké Chow, but soon, he'd be able to give it in abundance.

"I'm sure glad we decided to call Mom, huh, Pikachu?" He looked to his partner. "I knew she'd set us up with something great!" While he'd survived at least a few days on Riley's instructions, Ash had soon folded. As soon as Delia heard, she was quick to arrange a deal with a store in Canalave, guiding them to send food along with the ferry that often moved between the city and the island. In fact, he'd had to beg Delia not to chastise Riley herself for the conditions of the training. Whether it was simply a mentor, or even a legendary Pokémon, no one would mess with Ash on her watch.

Soon enough, the boat docked, allowing Ash and his Pokémon to salvage their inventory from inside. Once they'd made their claim, they were quick to depart, with Ash bearing as much as he could, Bulbasaur assisting with his vines, Wartortle stubbornly struggling to carry a box, and Charizard carrying the bulk. (Misdreavus had volunteered, but a small ghost simply had no way of carrying inventory!) Looking to make as little commotion as possible, the group avoided wild Pokémon whenever they could, even when that meant calming Charizard from seeking a spar.

"Thanks a lot, guys. Now we won't have to eat like that anymore! I promise you'll get your fill when it's time for us to chow down, alright?"

The trio of Kanto starters cheered, always happy to help their trainer out. Especially when it paid off, like it would now! Each was returned to their respective Poké Ball in a flash of red light, afterward. Ash and Pikachu rushed their supplies inside the small home, shuffling various containers into their room, doing their best to obscure the supplies amongst his usual storage.

"Man... It's a good thing Riley's off with Byron right now. I didn't think we'd ever get a chance to put this stuff in!" Ash sighed in relief, slumping against the wall. "I know we shouldn't go behind his back 'n all, but that was getting crazy."

"Pikachu." As guilty as he felt, he agreed. Well, Ash was growing, after all, right? He needed to eat. That was justification enough for the two of them.

One filling meal of grits and toast - both smothered in butter and cheese - later, Ash was hastily cleaning up the kitchen, making sure to leave as little evidence as to what he and his team had been gorging themselves on. Perfectly timed, the last pot was put away by Ash and the last spot scrubbed by Pikachu just as Riley walked in.

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