Hell Week

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The holidays came and went, back in Pallet Town, where a good time was had by all. Being surrounded by friends and family was a welcome break from Mt. Silver's cold, lonely heights. Delia, Professor Oak, Tracey, and even Gary listened to Ash and Pikachu's tales; some wove excitement, and others brought complaints that Ash would bring them gray hairs with worry. Professor Oak didn't forget to reprimand Ash for breaking his word, either; Though, none could argue with the fact that he was still here in one piece. His burn scars didn't help his case, but several weeks off did heal them up nicely.

Christmas and New Year's meant caroling, feasting, and festive decorations abound - all of that was plenty to keep Ash busy, luckily, since he was under a strict 'no training' moratorium until the festivities were over. He'd huffed and pouted but played along; it was nice enough to be able to talk to others, again.

But, as all good things came to an end, so did the winter cheer. Gary departed to continue his work under Rowan, and Ash had business overseas, himself.

The trip from Kanto to Sinnoh by ferry seemed to last longer than an ordinary day, with excitement building in Ash's beating heart. He arrived in the northernmost region by nightfall, watching the sun sink into the horizon in exchange for Sinnoh's shores. Cool mist surrounded Canalave City, springing from the port's chilly waters. He and Pikachu departed once more for Iron Island, leaving as soon as the connecting ferry allowed them.

A second, shorter trip followed, most of which was missed by Ash and Pikachu, as they slept the night away. As soon as they'd woken, the duo rushed to have their fill of the buffet made available to travelers. Right on time, it seemed, as a voice rang over the intercom just as they were finishing their meal.

"Attention passengers: The ferry has arrived at Iron Island! Please collect your belongings and step onto the pier in an orderly fashion! The bridge to the dock will be lowered shortly."

Quickly wiping his face of syrup, Ash stood, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "Alright, buddy! Are you ready to go meet up with Riley?" He grinned, watching Pikachu down the last of the ketchup he'd poured onto his trainer's plate.

"Pika, Pikachu!" The mouse cheered, savoring the taste. Hopping atop Ash's shoulder, he followed the trainer through the crowd. Thankfully, this ferry was less crowded than the one to Sinnoh had been. It wasn't all that difficult for the two to navigate down to the concrete pier that bordered a small cluster of buildings against the rockier portion of the isle.

Slipping past the railing, Ash rushed down the small bridge between boat and land before sliding onto the pier. "Well, here we are! Now where's..." Ash's eyes skimmed the populace.


Ash froze. A faint, high-pitched voice had run past his ears and right into his head. A warm, nebulous feeling of belonging. "Pikachu, did you say something?"

"Pi?" The mouse tilted his head, and then shook it. "Pikachu."

"I didn't think so," Ash muttered. How odd. The feeling left as quickly as it came, and the voice went with it. Maybe he hadn't gotten enough sleep?

"It's nice to see you," a familiar voice spoke, rousing Ash from his musings. "But you're not going to spot us, staring into space."

"...Riley! And Lucario!" Beaming, Ash spotted the man and his Lucario, running over to them.

Riley smiled, his demeanor a bit more reserved than Ash's. "I've come to the pier every day for weeks now, but I'd say it was worth the wait. I'm happy to see that you've accepted my request." Blue hues turned away from the sea, looking toward the island itself. "Now, it'd probably be best if we discussed our endeavor in private. Shall we head to my home on the island?"

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